- ISSN: 1022-6508 / ISSNe: 1681-5653
Revista Iberoamericana de Educación (2020), vol. 84 núm. 1, pp. 85-108
recibido / recebido: 01/07/2020; aceptado
/ aceite: 08/10/2020
Exploring trends in the relationship between child labour,
gender and educational achievement in Latin America
Abigail Middel1 ; Kalyan Kumar Kameshwara1 ; Andrés Sandoval-Hernandez1
1 University of Bath, United Kingdom
Abstract. Participation in child labour, in both
household and non-household activities, gender effects and low educational attainment
remain challenges for countries in Latin America. Through hierarchical linear
modelling of data from the OECD’s Programme for
International Student Assessment (PISA), this study seeks to explore the
current cross-country trends in the relationship between educational
attainment, child labour and gender. While
non-household labour is found to have an effect, as
per statistical significance and the magnitude, on educational achievement
across all Latin American countries; participation in household labour is significant in only two countries (Peru and
Uruguay). Girls are found to underperform compared to boys by a significant
margin across Latin America. The later part of the study seeks to examine the
interaction effects of gender and participation in labour
activities. Results show that gender has no moderating effect, suggesting that
the participation in work itself or workspace (household or non-household) does
not influence or contribute to gender inequality in education outcomes. The
explanatory factors for gender inequality in education outcomes is potentially
rooted in a different sphere of influence which needs to be deciphered through
deeper empirical investigation.
Keywords: child labour; gender;
inequality; educational achievement; Latin America
Análisis de tendencias en
la relación entre el trabajo infantil, el género y los logros académicos en
Resumen. La
participación de menores, tanto en tareas domésticas como no domésticas, los
efectos del género y los bajos logros académicos siguen siendo un reto para los
países de América Latina. A través del modelaje lineal jerárquico de datos del
Programa Internacional de Evaluación de los Alumnos (PISA), este estudio busca
explorar las tendencias entre los países en la relación entre los logros
académicos, el trabajo infantil y el género. Si bien el trabajo fuera del hogar
suele tener un efecto sobre los logros académicos en todos los países de
Latinoamérica, tal como demuestran la importancia y la magnitud de las
estadísticas; la participación en las tareas del hogar es relevante únicamente
en dos (Perú y Uruguay). Se ha visto que las niñas obtienen peores resultados
que los niños en un margen importante en toda Latinoamérica. La última parte
del estudio busca analizar los efectos de interacción de género y participación
en actividades laborales. Los resultados demuestran que el género no es un
factor moderador, lo que sugiere que la participación en el trabajo o en el
lugar de trabajo en sí mismo (en el hogar o fuera de él) no influye ni
contribuye a la desigualdad de géneros en los resultados académicos. Los
factores que explican la desigualdad en los resultados académicos se encuentran
posiblemente en una esfera de influencia distinta que debe descifrarse mediante
una investigación empírica más profunda.
Palabras clave. trabajo
infantil; género; desigualdad; logros académicos; Latinoamérica.
Análise das tendências
na relação entre o trabalho infantil, gênero e desempenho acadêmico na América Latina.
Resumo. A
participação de menores, tanto em tarefas domésticas
como não domésticas, os efeitos
do gênero e o baixo rendimento escolar continuam sendo um desafio
para os países da América Latina. Por meio de modelagem linear hierárquica de dados do Programa Internacional de Avaliação dos Alunos (PISA), este
estudo busca explorar as tendências
entre os países na relação
entre desempenho acadêmico,
trabalho infantil e gênero.
Embora o trabalho fora de casa tenda a afetar o desempenho acadêmico em todos os países da
América Latina, como mostra a importância
e a magnitude das estatísticas,
a participação nas tarefas
domésticas é relevante apenas em dois (Peru e Uruguai). Viu-se que as meninas obtêm piores resultados que os
meninos por uma margem
significativa em toda a América Latina. A última parte do estudo
busca analisar os efeitos
da interação de gênero e a participação nas atividades de trabalho. Os
resultados mostram que o gênero
não é um fator moderador, sugerindo que a participação no trabalho ou no próprio local de trabalho (no lar
ou fora dele) não influencia nem contribui para a desigualdade de gêneros nos resultados acadêmicos.
Os fatores que explicam a desigualdade
nos resultados acadêmicos estão
possivelmente em uma esfera
de influência diferente que deve
ser decifrada por meio de uma pesquisa empírica mais
trabalho infantil, gênero; desigualdade; resultados acadêmicos;
América Latina.
1. Introduction
Academic achievement is important because it is strongly linked to
positive outcomes in many other areas. Adults who report high educational
achievement during their school time are more likely to have stable employment,
have more employment opportunities, and earn higher salaries than those with
lower educational achievement (Card, 1999). They are less likely to engage in
criminal activity (Machin et al., 2011; Lochner & Moretti, 2004), be more
active as citizens (Lochner, 2011), and to be healthier (Bossuyt
et al., 2004; Khang et al., 2004) and happier (Easterlin, 2003).
Factors negatively associated with poor educational outcomes are
generally consistent across not just Latin America, but the globe. Lack of
parental education is associated with lower attainment and higher dropout rates
from high school (Barnard, 2004; Lee & Bowen, 2006) and parental
involvement and expectations play an important role (Arends-Kuenning
& Duryea, 2006; Driessen et al., 2005; Choi, 2008). Socioeconomic status is
strongly associated with academic achievement (Nam & Juang,
2009; Rearon, 2011; Altschul,
2012; Pfeffer, 2018; Ziol-Guest & Lee, 2016) and
belonging to an ethnic minority group is also strongly associated with poorer
educational outcomes in many countries (Gillborn & Mirza, 2000; Kao &
Thompson, 2003; Murillo, 2003; Archer & Francis, 2006). Other factors such
as the level of urbanisation is found to be
negatively associated with educational outcomes in developing countries for a
variety of reasons including the higher cost per student of providing education
in rural areas (Behrman et al., 1999; Gould, 2007).
It’s been argued that in Latin America, unlike in many developing
countries, gender is no longer associated with educational outcomes. Female
students are reported to have not faced disadvantage in terms of enrolment
across the region for over 30 years (Ahuja & Filmer, 1995) and have even
begun to overtake male students, receiving equal or higher grades than males
(Grant & Behrman, 2010). Along with factors mentioned above, child labour is found to be a significant predictor of poor
educational outcomes including enrolment, attendance, grade repetition and
attainment (Montmarquette et al., 2007; Heymann et al., 2013; Psacharopoulos,
1997; Assaad et al., 2010; Putnick
& Bornstein, 2016; Eckstein & Wolpin, 1999;
Parent, 2006; Gunnarsson et al., 2006). Latin American countries have large
numbers of children working with varying legislation (Appendix 1) as well as
social programmes in place aimed at reducing this
In terms of enforcement of child labour laws,
none of the Latin American countries in this study have a
sufficient number of labour inspectors as per technical
advice from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) of a ratio of 1 inspector for every
15,000 workers. In Colombia, Dominican Republic and
Peru there are less than half the recommended number of inspectors (ILAB,
2020). Not all countries have data available on the number of inspections
conducted and even fewer report the number of child labour violations found and for which penalties were
imposed and subsequently collected. In Chile and the Dominican Republic
two of the countries for which we have some data, all child labour
violations found had penalties imposed; however, in Chile less than half of
these penalties were collected. In Colombia of 247 labour
violations found in 2017, only 15 had penalties imposed (ILAB, 2020).
All countries have various social programmes
aimed at reducing child labour. These include programmes which strengthen the employability of family
members of at risk children (Walking Together for the Eradication of Child
Labor, Chile), conditional cash transfer programs (More Families in Action,
Colombia; Let’s Get Ahead Program, Costa Rica; the Together Program, Peru),
work and study programmes (I Study and Work,
Uruguay), extension of the school day (Dominican Republic), educational and
psychological help to at risk families (Carabayllo
Project, Peru), targeting children in rural areas (Huánuco Project Peru; Houses
of Joy Costa Rica) and education on children’s rights (Present Against Child
Labor, Colombia) (ILAB, 2020).
One of the challenges in studying child labour
is that of defining child labour itself. The
difficulty in arriving at a uniform definition is the fact that child labour intersects with local contextual and cultural
factors. This complexity intensifies as we approach the adolescent years of the
child, when his or her physical capacity to undertake work coincides with the
most crucial secondary school years and, in many countries, legal working age.
Minimum working age legislation often comes in the form of ratification of the
Minimum Age Convention set forth by the ILO, who proffer their own definition
of child labour.
The ILO notes that not all work undertaken by children can be classified
as “child labour” and define it only as, “work that
deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and
that is harmful to physical and mental development and/or interferes with their
schooling.” (ILO, 1996). Some kinds of work undertaken by children and
adolescents are in fact considered positive. The ILO includes in this category
activities such as household chores, helping in a family business or earning an
allowance outside of school hours. They note that these activities “contribute
to children’s development and to the welfare of their families; they provide
them with skills and experience and help to prepare them to be productive
members of society during their adult life.” (ILO, 1996)
Whether specific forms of work outside of the above can be considered
‘child labour’ is contingent on the age of the child,
the nature and hours of the work undertaken and the working conditions and the
cultural and legal contexts. This is then contingent on the individual country
and the sector the work falls under (ILO, 1996). The ILO specifically considers
work child labour if it has an adverse effect on a
child’s education by “depriving them of the opportunity to attend school;
obliging them to leave school prematurely; or requiring them to attempt to
combine school attendance with excessively long and heavy work.” (ILO, 1996).
The definition of child labour is a complex
one, and data available does not always allow operationalisation
of it as per ILO guidelines. For the purpose of this
analysis, child labour is understood as any labour undertaken by children (who in this study are aged
15) before or after school. Similar to previous
studies on child labour in Latin America (Gunnarsson
et al., 2006; Psacharopoulos, 1997), this study lacks
information on the nature of work undertaken as well as the hours.
There is a potential argument made for a broader definition of child labour which is not tied to the specific nature of the work
nor the number of hours. The image of a child working for long hours outside
the home that informs legislation and social programmes
aimed at its reduction, is not the profile of child labourers
in many countries and particularly misrepresents the labour
of girls (Assaad et al., 2010). Children are often
engaged in work that is not captured by traditional definitions of work (i.e.
market work) for example unpaid agricultural work in family enterprises.
In doing so, research ignores the potential for responsibilities inside the
household to effect educational attainment, in fact any work which interferes
with human capital production that would benefit children and society should be
considered (Putnick & Bornstein, 2016; Assaad et al., 2010). In addition, this kind of unpaid
household work is said to be gendered and traditional definitions of work
significantly misrepresent the work undertaken by girls (Putnick
& Bornstein, 2016; Levison, 2000). This complexity can only be understood
and tackled, if need be, by studying child labour in
each context and examining the factors local forces that shape the
Therefore, it is important to empirically study how child labour interacts with influential factors such as gender.
This paper sets out to achieve just that in the context of Latin America. It
seeks to explore the trends and effects in/of participation of child in labour forms categorised broadly
as household labour and non-household labour and its effect on education.
2. Literature review
There are various reasons posited for children’s’ participation in work.
Using simultaneous equation models fitted to Indian data, Rosenzweig and
Evenson (1977) analysed family decision making
regarding fertility and the allocation of children’s time to labour and education. They concluded that a high return on
raw child labour as opposed to investment in skills
acted as a motivation for the creation of large families. In analysis of data
from Venezuela, Psacharopoulos (1997) found a similar
trend - that the decision to work was associated with a larger family size.
However, data from Botswana on the activities of youth led Chernikovsky
et al. (1985) to conclude that there is in fact no trade-off between children’s
schooling and fertility.
Child’s gender, familial wealth and composition and rural dwelling are
important predictors of child labour. In an analysis
of data from Latin America Psacharopoulos (1997)
found working children were mostly male, indigenous, and from poorer
female-headed households and their earnings contributed a significant amount of
household income, amounting to 13% and 27% in Bolivia and Venezuela
respectively. Analysis of Canadian data showed that student gender and
education of parents most significantly predicted students’ preference for labour market participation over schooling. As well as male
students and students with parents with no post-secondary education, female
students with children and students from single parent families were also
overrepresented among those who drop out to pursue work (Montmarquette
et al., 2007). In addition, several studies have found that residing in an
urban area reduces the probability of children undertaking paid work (Psacharopoulos, 1996; Assaad et
al., 2010).
Macro factors like minimum wage and levels of unemployment are strongly
associated with child labour. The decision to drop
out of school to pursue work is significantly affected by minimum wage
(measured in real terms) - when students who are unsure as to whether to finish
high school can earn a high minimum wage in the labour
market, they tend to conclude there is little to gain from continuing their
education (Montmarquette et al., 2007). As well as a
high minimum wage, low unemployment rate can also cause students who may not be
inclined to drop out, to do so under these particular
conditions. Montmarquette et al. (2007)
evidence this in their finding that the effect of these macroeconomic variables
was stronger for those who express a preference for schooling (and therefore
under normal conditions would not be inclined to drop out).
Studies of various Latin American countries in
particular have shown that legislation has little effect on children’s
involvement in the labour force. Psacharopoulos’
(1997) analysis revealed significant participation in the labour
market among children who should be prevented from it by compulsory education
or working age legislation. Similar evidence was found in Brazil by Bargain and
Boutin (2017) and in data from 59 countries including Venezuela, the Dominican
Republic and Bolivia by Edmonds and Shrestha (2012). Legislation often fails in
eliminating child labour in its entirety as
legislation does not cover the entire economy or only applies to specific
activities or sectors (Boockmann, 2010). A ban that
applies only to certain sectors also leads to a reduction in child wages due to
the subsequent excess supply of child labour in
sectors not enforcing the ban (Basu & Van, 1998).
In addition if productivity and wages are higher in
the sector where the legislation is enforced (e.g. industry) it pushes children
into low paid low productivity employment such as agriculture. Households rely
on this income need to maintain it. This means that more hours would be worked in order for household wealth not to be negatively affected
meaning less time allocated to education.
The reduction of income also has a subsequent effect on other
children within the family – although substantial working hours represent a
clear detriment to a child’s education, their earnings (which as previously
discussed can be as high as 27% of household income) increase the probability
that their siblings will attend school (Basu & Tzannatos, 2003). If wages are depressed, instead of more
hours worked by one child, budget-constrained households may send more children
to work, and legislation has had the exact opposite of the desired
effect. A rise in adult wages is needed to offset that negative effects
on household wealth to avoid the above consequences (Boockmann,
2010). This is also the case if the financial consequences of a ban (penalties
or bribes) are shouldered by families (Basu &
Van, 1998).
2.1 Household Labour
In addition the prohibition of child labour (through minimum legal working age laws) is rarely
applied uniformly across all activities. Thus, it may in fact merely lead to
the reallocation of child labour into unregulated
sectors such as family businesses or work happening inside the household where
these laws do not apply or are even more difficult to enforce (Bargain
& Boutin, 2017). Using a two-sector model of employment in which
legislation completely eliminates child labour, Basu (2005) found that a
ban via minimum age legislation in this model instead pushed children into
unregulated work. There are three conditions identified by Edmonds and
Shrestha (2012) as necessary for sector reallocation to be neutral after a ban
in the regulated sector. Firstly, that child and adult labour
are exact substitutes subject to a productivity shifter (based on Basu and Van’s (1998) ‘substitution axiom’). The second
condition is ‘non-saturation’ - that adult and child labour
can be easily substituted between productive tasks within the household.
Thirdly is the need for ‘competitive adult labour
markets’ – the free movement of adult labour between
the household and the labour market, otherwise
children’s work may merely be moved inside the home. Despite this, the
paid work undertaken by children outside the home has received the most
empirical attention (Putnick & Bornstein, 2016)
and literature on child labour often ignores the
potential for responsibilities inside the household to affect educational
Levison (2000) further argues that the traditional definition of work
used to define child labour distinguishes arbitrarily
between activities that are similar. She gives the example of food preparation,
which if happening in a market stall or unpaid in a family enterprise is
considered work, but the same activity is not considered work if undertaken for
the purpose of household consumption. In the context of labour
force statistics or national accounts the distinction between household /
domestic work and market work is useful but causes biases when trying to
understand the effect of child labour on schooling
(Levison, 2000). Small jobs or chores may be beneficial for children, but the
issue is with all work, whether included in the traditional definition or not,
that interferes with children’s education or wellbeing (Assaad
et al. 2010).
2.2 Gender
As previously discussed, the definition used when assessing the
relationship between children’s work and educational attainment matters
greatly, particularly for girls - gender differences in both the incidence and
determinants of work are misrepresented when a traditional definition of work
(i.e. market work) is used (Levison 2000). Overall, for middle- and low-income
countries, there are higher rates of girls’ labour
inside the home and higher rates of labout inside the
home for boys, which often reflects “macrosystem-level gender inequality” (Putnick & Bornstein, 2016, p5). The high amount of
household labour carried out by girls can be
attributed to the cultural expectation that girls will be mothers and
homemakers and thus early involvement in household work acts as preparation for
these adult roles (Assaad et al., 2010).
As well as cultural, the reason is economic - in a number of the low- to
middle- income countries studied by Putnick &
Bornstein (2016) the levels of education and rates of employment are much lower
for women than for men - in the face of these limited economic opportunities
for adult women, parents may encourage girls to assume responsibilities within
the household to prepare them for their likely adult role as a homemaker. It
can also be considered a rational decision by girls and adolescents themselves,
who are aware of their incredibly limited access to the paid labour market (Assaad et al.,
2010). In the same vain, boys’ work outside the home allows them to
develop skills that may apply to their adult work. In countries with better
national gender equality, participation of boys and girls in excessive chores
is similar (Putnick & Bornstein, 2016).
2.3 Educational outcomes
Studies have examined the effect of hours worked on educational outcomes
measured by enrolment, attendance, drop out / graduation rates, grade
repetition, years of schooling and in few cases, test results. Household and
non-household labour has been found to negatively
affect both enrolment and attendance (Beegle et al., 2009; Assad et al., 2010).
In a study of developing countries only, Guarcello et
al. (2008) found that working children faced an attendance disadvantage of 10%
or above in 56 out of 60 countries, and in 10 of those countries the
disadvantage was as high as 30%. Working children also have a disadvantage in
total years of schooling compared to non-working children. In Latin American
countries, the difference in educational attainment between nonworking and
working children begins as young as aged six and then increases rapidly - by
the age of 14 (legal working age) Venezuelan working children have a deficiency
of 2 years and Bolivian working children 1.4 years (rising to 2.5 by the age of
18) (Psacharopoulos, 1997).
However, measuring educational outcomes in this way has limitations.
Attendance, enrolment and even years of schooling do not measure learning.
Children might continue to attend school every day due to compulsory schooling
legislation however working children may be too fatigued to study effectively
in school nor have the time nor energy to study afterwards (Gunnarsson et al.,
2006); the effects of which are not captured by these measures.
Various studies have found a strong link between work and high school
drop-out rates (Parent, 2006; Montmarquette et al.,
2007; Eckstein and Wolpin, 1999). While dropping out
of high school to pursue work may be due to economic necessity of the household
with child income often accounting for large percentage of a household’s income
(Psacharopoulos, 1997). Working during high school
may cause a child to lag behind in their schoolwork to
the point where dropping out in favour of entering
the labour market full time is preferable (Eckstein
and Wolpin, 1999). However, assessing educational
outcomes as completion (graduation) or non-completion (drop-out) of high school
does not take into account working children who stay
in school and their possible lower achievement and the limit that places on
future pursuits. It has been noted in several studies including Marsh (1991)
and Barone (1993) that young people working more than 20 hours per week while
in school were much less likely to pursue higher education.
Educational attainment can be assessed through grade attainment.
Although grade failure and repetition are associated with the same causal
factors as children’s participation in the labour
market, working almost doubles the likelihood of failing a grade (Psacharopoulos, 1997). Beegle et al. (2009) found
that child labour was significantly associated with a
reduction of the highest grade attained. Although grade attainment may be a more
nuanced measure than high school completion, the main limitation is the
difficulty of cross-country comparison due to substantial difference in
schooling across countries including the way in which grade attainment is
assessed. In their study of Latin America, Gunnarsson et al. (2006) used
results from mathematics and literacy tests and found that children who almost
never work had a 22% and 27% advantage in mathematics and language respectively
over working children. Although the use of test scores is arguably a better
measure of educational outcomes as it measures learning, the use of pooled
regression does not sufficiently address the issue of cross-country invariance.
3. Significance of the study
Previous studies examining the effect of child labour
have largely focused on school enrolment, attendance, dropouts, grade
repetition and aspirations. These can be considered proxies, and proxies for
only schooling, not addressing the actual goal of schooling itself – learning.
There is also a dearth in exploitating the
large-scale cross-country surveys which offer a valuable snapshot on the latest
trends in child labour, gender and education.
This study would help bridge the gap in literature by examining the
association between child labour, and its interaction
with gender, and educational attainment measured via test scores. In addition
to that, it gives a more comprehensive picture of the trends in Latin America
by giving a comparative analysis involving various countries. There are very
few studies focused solely on Latin America, and the majority of those that
have done so, or included Latin America in aggregate or pooled data, have used
data from more than two decades ago. Latin America has undergone rapid change
over the last 20 years, and although inequality persists, it has been declining
in many countries (López-Calva & Listig, 2010).
However, whilst access to primary and secondary education has been expanded,
access to tertiary education, the next stage in Latin America’s “educational
upgrading” (Grynspan, 2010, p.vii), could be affected
due to low educational attainment in secondary schools, (López-Calva & Listig, 2010), precisely the outcome variable measure in this
study, and a crucial factor that studies examining purely schooling would
This study exploits the variance in labour participation
levels, and student learning levels, both within and between countries to
estimate its association. The study employs multilevel analysis, which accounts
for clustering, to identify the contribution (positive or negative) and
significance of child labour, and its association
with gender, in shaping student test scores. This study aims to add robust
empirical evidence to the body of knowledge on the status of child labour participation and its effect on child’s education.
This evidence is important through its uniqueness - it does not originate from
a study focused exclusively on child labour or
household survey but from a school survey focusing on education.
4. Research questions
This study uses large-scale datasets from OECD’s PISA to explore the
trends and effects of labour practices among
15-year-old children on their education outcomes in seven Latin American
countries. The study exploits PISA 2015 survey data which captures if the
student is engaged in household or non-household labour
in all of the seven Latin American countries. It seeks
to examine the effects of child labour participation
(for household and non-household labour separately)
on learning achievements in each of the seven countries, after controlling for
various individual, household and school effects. Additionally, the study also
examines if the participation and effects of participation in labour is moderated by individuals’ gender.
1. What are the patterns in child labour
participation (in household and non-household labour)
across the sample of Latin American countries? How is it distributed along the
lines of gender?
2. Does participation in household or/and non-household labour have any significant influence on student’s learning
levels? If so, what is the magnitude of effect in each country?
3. Does gender moderate the effect of labour
participation on student attainment?
5. Data
and methods
There were 72 countries in total which participated in PISA in 2015 and
eight from Latin America. They include Brazil, Chile, Costa
Rica, Colombia, Dominican Republic,
Mexico, Peru and Uruguay. PISA follows a complex sampling design strategy. The
schools are selected using systematic-random PPS (probability proportional to
size) sampling. In the next stage, students who are 15 years old are randomly
selected from each school. There is data collected at the student level,
teacher level and school level from all the sampled schools and students (OECD,
Along with collecting information about student and home background,
PISA also surveys if students participate in household and non-household labour activities. These are the main variables of interest
in this study. They are captured for each student in the sample in all the PISA
participating countries from Latin America. Each of the students is
administered an assessment to capture his or her learning levels in
mathematics, science, reading, financial literacy and collaborative problem
solving. Due to the length of the assessment, the student undertakes only a
part of the test in each subject and based on their performance, the final
scores are imputed as plausible values. The mathematics scores are chosen as
proxy for student learning and achievement in this study. With mathematics
achievement as the outcome, two-level hierarchical regression models are
constructed for each country with student at one level and school at another
Hierarchical regression analysis is chosen over OLS linear regression
model to account for the clustering effects of students in a school (Goldstein
2011). This is due to the correlation between student performances from the
same school. Hierarchical models would produce unbiased and robust estimates
taking into consideration that student scores in the sample are not independent
of each other. The inferences made from the analysis of PISA 2015 can be generalisable to a country level due to the representative
sample and the sampling weights included as part of the analysis. In order to account for the imputation uncertainty derived
from the PISA complex assessment design, the ten plausible values provided in
the data set for the maths scores were used
simultaneously in all the analyses (Rutkowski, et al., 2010). Furthermore,
following the procedure suggested by Rutkowski and colleagues (2010), each
level was weighted separately for all the models
The first model (M1) is constructed for each of the seven countries, to examine the effect
of participation in labour activities on learning
achievement in mathematics:
While the variables of interest are mainly household, non-household labour and gender of the student, it is necessary to
control for various student and school-level characteristics. The school-level
variables accounted for in the modelling are the type of school (public or
private), the Student-Teacher ratio of the school and most importantly the
average of social, economic and cultural statuses (ESCS) of all sampled
children in the school. The individual level characteristics controlled for in
the above and below equations are the grade in which the student is studying,
motivational levels, aspiration levels (desired occupation status) and the
number of hours dedicated in total to study the subject of assessment (mathematics).
These covariates are chosen from literature as they have shown to demonstrate a
significant contribution in explaining the variance of the outcome variable
(student achievement). The Model (M1) assists in answering the second research question on
the significance and effect of labour participation
in student learning.
In order, to answer the third research problem of this paper, the
following models (M2) and (M3) are constructed. In order to examine if
gender moderates the effect of labour participation
on student learning, an interaction term, between household labour
and female dummy, between non-household labour and
male dummy, is added to the above model.
Female is included as a dummy in model 2 (M2) as it is often observed that girls engage more in
household labour and it would be plausible to examine
if female moderates the effect in the case of household labour
participation. Likewise, following the similar reasoning, male is added as a
dummy for model 3 (M3) in the case of non-household labour. These
models are similarly constructed for each country with the controls from first
model (M1) intact.
6 Results
The trends and distribution of participation in labour
activities, in household and non-household domains, in seven[i] Latin American countries are demonstrated by the
following descriptive statistics in (Table 1) and (Table 2).
Table 1
Country |
Household Labour (%) |
Non Household Labour (%) |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Chile |
33.56 |
66.44 |
75.45 |
24.55 |
Colombia |
22.98 |
77.02 |
55.54 |
44.46 |
Costa Rica |
34.16 |
65.84 |
80.79 |
19.21 |
Dom Rep. |
15.63 |
84.37 |
58.66 |
41.34 |
Mexico |
17.46 |
82.54 |
70.5 |
29.5 |
Peru |
10.3 |
89.7 |
68.24 |
31.76 |
Uruguay |
20.66 |
79.34 |
67.59 |
32.41 |
Source: authors’ descriptive statistics from PISA
All the Latin American countries studied here have at least 65% of the
sample taking part in household labour and not more
than 45% involved in non-household labour. The
highest participation in household labour is found in
Peru, followed closely by Dominican Republic and Mexico. In the case of
non-household labour, Colombia has the highest
percentage, immediately followed by Dominican Republic. Costa Rica has the
lowest participation of the sample in both household and non-household labour. Not far below Costa Rica, Chile is found to have
the second lowest participation levels in both domains. However, it cannot be
said if having a higher or lower percentage of children involved in labour, has (or does not have) an effect on one’s
education. It remains to be seen if labour
participation has any actual effect (positive or negative) on student’s
education and how this could be shaped by different contextual factors.
Table 2
Country |
Gender |
Household Labour |
Non-Household Labour |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Chile |
Male |
1,046 |
2,019 |
2,129 |
921 |
Female |
1,026 |
2,083 |
2,502 |
586 |
Columbia |
Male |
1,251 |
3,906 |
2,531 |
2,623 |
Female |
1,255 |
4,492 |
3,514 |
2,217 |
Costa Rica |
Male |
946 |
1,692 |
1,976 |
657 |
Female |
898 |
1,862 |
2,377 |
378 |
Dominican Rep |
Male |
311 |
1,341 |
800 |
836 |
Female |
234 |
1,600 |
1,222 |
589 |
Mexico |
Male |
634 |
2,634 |
2,022 |
1,237 |
Female |
521 |
2,827 |
2,630 |
710 |
Peru |
Male |
317 |
2,503 |
1,680 |
1,134 |
Female |
240 |
2,346 |
1,994 |
576 |
Uruguay |
Male |
474 |
1,781 |
1,296 |
938 |
Female |
523 |
2,047 |
1,922 |
605 |
Source: authors’ descriptive statistics from PISA
Therefore, the first research question is answered through the
descriptive statistics by depicting an overall picture of percentages and
frequencies of participation rates in household and non-household labour activities and how they are split based on gender.
The results of the hierarchical linear models for each country are represented
below. The estimates and their standard errors of variables of interest and
other student and school level covariates are listed in Table 3.
Table 3
Student achievement |
Chile |
Colombia |
Costa Rica |
Dom Rep. |
Mexico |
Peru |
Uruguay |
Household Labour |
-1.31 |
-4.51 |
1.25 |
3.18 |
1.56 |
-8.27** |
-10.74*** |
(-3.11) |
(-2.75) |
(-2.86) |
(-4.32) |
(-3.49) |
(-4.07) |
(-3.69) |
Non-Household Labour |
-27.21*** |
-23.29*** |
-18.13*** |
-25.59*** |
-22.09*** |
-25.20*** |
-25.14*** |
(-3.47) |
(-2.41) |
(-3.14) |
(-2.97) |
(-2.84) |
(-2.7) |
(-3.54) |
Female |
-28.90*** |
-26.34*** |
-23.22*** |
-12.68*** |
-13.86*** |
-20.53*** |
-25.64*** |
(-3) |
(-2.71) |
(-3.17) |
(-3.03) |
(-2.33) |
(-2.61) |
(-3.88) |
Private |
-4.84 |
0.68 |
-2.59 |
2.82 |
-11.5 |
-3.75 |
-1.76 |
(-9.79) |
(-7.36) |
(-10.21) |
(-11.24) |
(-9.11) |
(-7.57) |
(-9.56) |
Grade |
30.82*** |
23.70*** |
21.63*** |
17.97*** |
18.48*** |
22.74*** |
27.89*** |
(-3.07) |
(-1.14) |
(-2.02) |
(-1.8) |
(-3.89) |
(-1.41) |
(-2.21) |
9.50*** |
5.47*** |
6.64*** |
5.78*** |
4.15*** |
6.96*** |
8.55*** |
(-1.58) |
(-1.6) |
(-1.2) |
(-1.88) |
(-1.25) |
(-1.58) |
(-1.96) |
Motivational Level |
1.19 |
8.69*** |
2.29 |
5.33** |
6.39*** |
11.03*** |
9.21*** |
(-1.55) |
(-2.01) |
(-2.1) |
(-2.13) |
(-1.84) |
(-1.72) |
(-1.69) |
Exp Occupational Status |
0.55*** |
0.22*** |
-0.08 |
0.07 |
0.28*** |
0.58*** |
0.36*** |
(-0.1) |
(-0.07) |
(-0.06) |
(-0.1) |
(-0.07) |
(-0.08) |
(-0.08) |
Maths hours |
-0.11 |
0.49 |
1.63 |
-0.76 |
0.79 |
0.17 |
2.33** |
(-0.42) |
(-0.53) |
(-1.1) |
(-0.47) |
(-0.69) |
(-0.44) |
(-1.12) |
Student-Teacher Ratio |
0.78 |
-0.33 |
0.05 |
0.15 |
-0.08 |
0.36* |
-0.12 |
(-0.58) |
(-0.23) |
(-0.19) |
(-0.2) |
(-0.21) |
(-0.21) |
(-0.24) |
School mean (ESCS) |
30.43*** |
19.92*** |
22.06*** |
26.42*** |
17.69*** |
19.94*** |
32.18*** |
(-5.22) |
(-5.6) |
(-4.37) |
(-7.82) |
(-4.46) |
(-4.12) |
(-6.35) |
Constant |
430.44*** |
448.70*** |
456.64*** |
377.08*** |
436.17*** |
400.88*** |
476.60*** |
(-13.69) |
(-11.24) |
(-8.56) |
(-16.12) |
(-12.01) |
(-11.33) |
(-11.86) |
lns1_1_1 |
3.31*** |
3.23*** |
3.29*** |
3.09*** |
3.27*** |
3.16*** |
3.27*** |
(-0.09) |
(-0.08) |
(-0.1) |
(-0.19) |
(-0.11) |
(-0.08) |
(-0.09) |
lnsig_e |
4.09*** |
4.03*** |
3.96*** |
3.91*** |
4.10*** |
4.08*** |
4.12*** |
(-0.01) |
(-0.01) |
(-0.01) |
(-0.03) |
(-0.02) |
(-0.02) |
(-0.02) |
Sample size (n=) |
4,529 |
7,647 |
4,803 |
2,370 |
5,734 |
4,869 |
3,782 |
Standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, **
p<0.05, * p<0.1
Source: authors’ work.
Household labour is not found to be
significant (with 95% confidence levels) in shaping students learning except in
the contexts of Peru and Uruguay. In these contexts, participating in household
labour is shown to have a higher magnitude of effect
than ones socio-economic and cultural status. Non-household labour
participation, however, is found to be highly significant (with 99% confidence
levels) and has a remarkable negative effect on student learning. This pattern
is found in all the seven Latin American countries. These findings lead to the
next question if the effects of non-household labour
and household labour (in Peru and Uruguay) on student
achievement are moderated by the individual’s gender. In other words, the
question can be rephrased as to understand if the gender effects (of being a
female) on achievement, as seen in the above table, is influenced/moderated by
male or female’s participation in labour activities.
The following tables (Table 4 and Table 5) aid in addressing the follow up
Table 4
Student achievement |
Chile |
Colombia |
Costa Rica |
Dom Rep. |
Mexico |
Peru |
Uruguay |
Female*Household Labour |
-2.87 |
-1.95 |
-0.88 |
0.2 |
1.14 |
-2.32 |
8.87 |
(-5.47) |
(-5.26) |
(-4.01) |
(-7.35) |
(-5.53) |
(-6.91) |
(-6.78) |
Female |
-26.94*** |
-24.82*** |
-22.64*** |
-12.84** |
-14.80*** |
-18.44*** |
-32.58*** |
(-4.87) |
(-5.14) |
(-3.8) |
(-6.3) |
(-5.37) |
(-6.98) |
(-6.5) |
Household Labour |
0.15 |
-3.47 |
1.71 |
3.09 |
1.06 |
-7.24 |
-15.70*** |
(-3.96) |
(-4.04) |
(-3.51) |
(-6.01) |
(-4.54) |
(-5.02) |
(-5.74) |
Non-Household Labour |
-27.31*** |
-23.34*** |
-18.17*** |
-25.58*** |
-22.07*** |
-25.23*** |
-24.88*** |
(-3.45) |
(-2.42) |
(-3.15) |
(-2.97) |
(-2.83) |
(-2.72) |
(-3.58) |
9.51*** |
5.46*** |
6.63*** |
5.78*** |
4.15*** |
6.95*** |
8.49*** |
(-1.58) |
(-1.61) |
(-1.2) |
(-1.88) |
(-1.26) |
(-1.58) |
(-1.95) |
Private |
-4.87 |
0.7 |
-2.57 |
2.82 |
-11.5 |
-3.77 |
-1.77 |
(-9.76) |
(-7.36) |
(-10.24) |
(-11.24) |
(-9.11) |
(-7.56) |
(-9.62) |
30.82*** |
23.70*** |
21.62*** |
17.97*** |
18.47*** |
22.75*** |
27.93*** |
(-3.07) |
(-1.14) |
(-2.02) |
(-1.8) |
(-3.89) |
(-1.41) |
(-2.21) |
Motivational Level |
1.18 |
8.67*** |
2.29 |
5.33** |
6.40*** |
11.01*** |
9.20*** |
(-1.55) |
(-2) |
(-2.1) |
(-2.13) |
(-1.84) |
(-1.72) |
(-1.69) |
Exp Occupational Status |
0.55*** |
0.22*** |
-0.08 |
0.07 |
0.28*** |
0.58*** |
0.36*** |
(-0.1) |
(-0.07) |
(-0.06) |
(-0.1) |
(-0.07) |
(-0.08) |
(-0.08) |
Maths hours |
-0.11 |
0.49 |
1.62 |
-0.76 |
0.79 |
0.17 |
2.31** |
(-0.42) |
(-0.53) |
(-1.1) |
(-0.47) |
(-0.69) |
(-0.44) |
(-1.12) |
Student-Teacher Ratio |
0.78 |
-0.33 |
0.05 |
0.15 |
-0.08 |
0.36* |
-0.11 |
(-0.58) |
(-0.23) |
(-0.19) |
(-0.2) |
(-0.21) |
(-0.21) |
(-0.24) |
School mean (ESCS) |
30.40*** |
19.88*** |
22.04*** |
26.42*** |
17.68*** |
19.95*** |
32.18*** |
(-5.21) |
(-5.6) |
(-4.38) |
(-7.82) |
(-4.47) |
(-4.11) |
(-6.39) |
Constant |
429.61*** |
447.79*** |
456.35*** |
377.15*** |
436.56*** |
399.98*** |
480.28*** |
(-13.9) |
(-11.78) |
(-8.55) |
(-16.42) |
(-12.25) |
(-11.51) |
(-12.41) |
lns1_1_1 |
3.31*** |
3.23*** |
3.29*** |
3.09*** |
3.27*** |
3.16*** |
3.27*** |
(-0.09) |
(-0.08) |
(-0.1) |
(-0.19) |
(-0.11) |
(-0.08) |
(-0.09) |
lnsig_e |
4.09*** |
4.03*** |
3.96*** |
3.91*** |
4.10*** |
4.08*** |
4.12*** |
(-0.01) |
(-0.01) |
(-0.01) |
(-0.03) |
(-0.02) |
(-0.02) |
(-0.02) |
Sample size (n=) |
4,529 |
7,647 |
4,803 |
2,370 |
5,734 |
4,869 |
3,782 |
Standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, **
p<0.05, * p<0.1
Source: authors’ work.
Table 5
Student achievement |
Chile |
Colombia |
Costa Rica |
Dom Rep. |
Mexico |
Peru |
Uruguay |
Male*Non-Household Labour |
0.57 |
-2.4 |
-14.00*** |
-4.36 |
-1.88 |
-5.87 |
-11.98** |
(-6.76) |
(-3.62) |
(-4.96) |
(-5.14) |
(-4.97) |
(-4.68) |
(-6.05) |
Female |
-28.75*** |
-27.46*** |
-25.72*** |
-14.27*** |
-14.37*** |
-22.24*** |
-29.39*** |
(-3.37) |
(-3.03) |
(-3.27) |
(-3.17) |
(-2.59) |
(-2.83) |
(-4.57) |
Household Labour |
-1.31 |
-4.42 |
1.39 |
3.41 |
1.59 |
-8.12** |
-10.49*** |
(-3.13) |
(-2.77) |
(-2.86) |
(-4.35) |
(-3.5) |
(-4.09) |
(-3.68) |
Non-Household Labour |
-27.53*** |
-22.18*** |
-9.66** |
-23.37*** |
-20.96*** |
-21.73*** |
-19.07*** |
(-4.58) |
(-2.67) |
(-4.46) |
(-4.17) |
(-4.01) |
(-3.79) |
(-4.83) |
9.50*** |
5.47*** |
6.63*** |
5.80*** |
4.16*** |
6.99*** |
8.48*** |
(-1.57) |
(-1.6) |
(-1.2) |
(-1.88) |
(-1.25) |
(-1.58) |
(-1.96) |
Private |
-4.83 |
0.65 |
-2.89 |
2.92 |
-11.48 |
-3.7 |
-2.07 |
(-9.79) |
(-7.35) |
(-10.14) |
(-11.25) |
(-9.11) |
(-7.57) |
(-9.67) |
30.82*** |
23.71*** |
21.56*** |
17.97*** |
18.48*** |
22.72*** |
27.84*** |
(-3.07) |
(-1.14) |
(-2.02) |
(-1.8) |
(-3.89) |
(-1.4) |
(-2.21) |
Motivational Level |
1.19 |
8.68*** |
2.25 |
5.37** |
6.37*** |
11.07*** |
9.24*** |
(-1.55) |
(-2) |
(-2.1) |
(-2.13) |
(-1.84) |
(-1.71) |
(-1.7) |
Exp Occupational Status |
0.55*** |
0.22*** |
-0.09 |
0.06 |
0.28*** |
0.58*** |
0.35*** |
(-0.1) |
(-0.07) |
(-0.06) |
(-0.1) |
(-0.07) |
(-0.08) |
(-0.08) |
Maths hours |
-0.11 |
0.49 |
1.7 |
-0.73 |
0.8 |
0.18 |
2.36** |
(-0.43) |
(-0.53) |
(-1.1) |
(-0.47) |
(-0.69) |
(-0.44) |
(-1.12) |
Student-Teacher Ratio |
0.78 |
-0.34 |
0.05 |
0.15 |
-0.08 |
0.37* |
-0.12 |
(-0.58) |
(-0.23) |
(-0.19) |
(-0.2) |
(-0.21) |
(-0.21) |
(-0.24) |
School mean (ESCS) |
30.42*** |
19.89*** |
21.99*** |
26.24*** |
17.66*** |
19.82*** |
32.14*** |
(-5.21) |
(-5.59) |
(-4.38) |
(-7.83) |
(-4.46) |
(-4.13) |
(-6.39) |
Constant |
430.39*** |
449.43*** |
457.80*** |
377.82*** |
436.43*** |
401.57*** |
478.92*** |
(-13.75) |
(-11.29) |
(-8.6) |
(-16.12) |
(-11.91) |
(-11.35) |
(-12.06) |
lns1_1_1 |
3.31*** |
3.23*** |
3.29*** |
3.09*** |
3.27*** |
3.16*** |
3.27*** |
(-0.09) |
(-0.08) |
(-0.1) |
(-0.19) |
(-0.11) |
(-0.08) |
(-0.09) |
lnsig_e |
4.09*** |
4.03*** |
3.96*** |
3.91*** |
4.10*** |
4.08*** |
4.12*** |
(-0.01) |
(-0.01) |
(-0.01) |
(-0.03) |
(-0.02) |
(-0.02) |
(-0.02) |
Sample size (n=) |
4,529 |
7,647 |
4,803 |
2,370 |
5,734 |
4,869 |
3,782 |
Standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, **
p<0.05, * p<0.1
Source: authors’ work.
Table 4 shows that there is no significant difference in achievement
between males and females, on average, engaging in household labour across all 7 countries. The magnitude of the
difference, although non-significant, is negligible. There is also no difference
in outcomes between males who participate in household labour
compared to those who do not except in the context of Uruguay. Boys engaged in
household labour in Uruguay scored 15.7 points lower,
on average. In Peru, they scored 7.24 points lower than boys who did not engage
in household labour although the difference is not
statistically significant. The findings are consistent for household labour participation effects from table 3 (which showed the
average of both males and females) where only Uruguay and Peru had significant
The results from Table 5 show that gender does not moderate the effects
of engagement in non-Household labour on achievement
outcomes except in the context of Costa Rice and Uruguay. The penalty of
participating in non-household labour is
significantly higher for males over females in Costa Rica and Uruguay (-14 and
-11.98 points higher respectively). However, on an average for both males and
females, participating in non-household labour is
associated with lower outcomes (from table 3 and table 4). Table 5 reiterates
the same findings with respect to the effects of household labour
participation from table 3 and also additionally
demonstrates the significantly lower outcomes among females who engage in
non-household labour compared to those who do not.
Some of the broad observations which speak to literature regarding
student education status are that, unlike in many other developing country
contexts, attending a private school has shown no significant effect on average
in all the above Latin American countries. The results also point broadly to
poor quality education offered in secondary schools, as number of hours
invested in studying by the student does not show any significant gains in
their learning except marginally in Uruguay.
Lastly, although gender does not moderate the effects of household labour participation on student learning, it still remains as an influential category. The magnitude of
influence gender has in shaping learning is at least 2.5 to 5 times more than
that of socio-economic and cultural status, depending on the country. Girls are
found to consistently underperform in comparison to boys in every Latin
American country without exception.
7. Conclusion
This study used international largescale assessment data (PISA) to
highlight the trends and patterns in child labour
participation in household and non-household activities in the seven Latin
American countries. The results show a high level of participation, at least
65% in household activities and not less than 20% in non-household activities,
in all countries in the sample. Furthermore, participation in household labour is not found to significantly affect students
learning in majority of the countries except Peru and Uruguay.
Participation in non-household labour is shown
to significantly hamper students’ progress in learning across all of the seven countries of Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Dominican Republic, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay. This finding is in line with the
findings of previous literature that non-household labour
is a serious problem plaguing Latin American. Where previous studies have
focused on the effect of child labour on school
dropouts, repetitions of grade, attendance and years of schooling, this study
contributes to knowledge by specifically demonstrating the magnitude of effect
of participation in such activities on students learning levels, relative to
other variables. It further adds how gender fails to moderate the household labour effects on learning and also
in the case of non-household labour effects in
majority of countries (except Costa Rica and Uruguay).
It does however point to gender as strongly associated with educational
attainment, with girls underperforming boy across all countries despite
literature positing that Latin America had in fact closed this gap, with female
students even beginning to outperform males (Ahuja & Filmer, 1995; Grant
& Behrman, 2010).
The strength of the study stems from the nature of survey data. The
sample is representative for all the countries and measures of learning
achievement are statistically sophisticated through inclusion of plausible
values and appropriate sampling weights. This adds to the strength of generalisability of the results. The trends in
participation levels, association and moderation between variables highlighted
in the paper can be said to hold true for the entire population of 15-year olds in the above Latin American countries. Another
strength of the study is the use of hierarchical modelling. In many of the
empirical studies involving child labour, it is not
common to account for the clustering of children’s characteristics to estimate
the effects of child labour on chosen outcomes.
The main weakness of the study is the measurement of participation in
household and non-household activities using a binary scale. It collapses
various forms of labour and duration of labour into a single category thereby impeding the further
deciphering of the nature of activities across various countries or
socio-economic categories. However, this lack of detail can be justified as the
focus of the study is exclusively on education and we exploited the opportunity
of the dataset capturing participation in labour
albeit in a rudimentary form.
This study does not establish any causal relationship between participation
in child labour (in household or non-household
activities), or gender, or their interaction on the student achievement. This
paper gives a potentially valuable perspective into the reality of the nature
of association and trends across countries. However, a more rigorous
identification strategy is needed to address the endogeneity problem to infer
At age 15 (the age of all students participating in PISA) participation
in the labour market is legal in all Latin American
countries (Appendix 1). This is often only with authorisation
from the inspectorate or local authority, but given the previously discussed
lack of inspectors, it is doubtful whether the work conditions or hour limits
are being enforced. This study shows that even potentially legal child labour may play a significant role in the regions’ low
educational attainment and should not be neglected in future work in the area.
The empirical trends and analysis can potentially contradict some of the
theoretical understanding on the gendered nature of household activities or
non-household activities. It challenges claims that household and non-household
activities have differing effects for male and female education outcomes
(except for Costa Rica and Uruguay in the contexts of non-household labour). There is inequality between genders in terms of
achievement levels and also between those who participate in child labour (more significantly in non-household activities) and
those who do not; however, the harmful effects of participating in
non-household labour is not connected to gender. This
is because the participation in non-household activities is undesirable
irrespective of one’s gender and there are other spheres of discrimination or
decision-making which are potentially driving the inequality in learning
outcomes between males and females that demand attention. Therefore, the focus
for further research or policy ought to include other spheres of influence, or
socio-economic dimensions to address the gender inequality in achievement
[i] Brazil
is omitted from the list due to large amount (approx. 45%) of missing data in
the category of labour participation in household and
non-household domains.
It is also important to note that this study doesn’t use the latest PISA
2018 data as the survey no longer includes variables pertaining to any forms of
Appendix 1
Chile |
Colombia |
Costa Rica |
Dominican Rep. |
Mexico |
Peru |
Uruguay |
School compulsory until |
17 |
15 |
16 |
13 |
17 |
16 |
14 |
Minimum Age for Work |
15 |
15 |
15 |
14 |
15 |
14 |
15 |
Minimum Age for Hazardous Work |
18 |
18 |
18 |
18 |
18 |
18 |
18 |
Ratification of International Conventions on Child Labour |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Source: ILAB, 2020.
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How to Cite
Middel, A., Kameshwara, K. K., & Sandoval-Hernandez, A. (2020).
Exploring trends in the relationship between child labour,
gender and educational achievement in Latin America. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 84(1), 85-108.