e-Learning environments in classroom higher education courses: Analysis from a successful case of the technology diffusion


  • Marcelo Nogueira Cortimiglia Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul




diffusion, innovation, e-learning environment


While grows interest in the use of e-Learning Environments in classroom education, increases the need to understand how such technology diffuses in this context. This research aims to identify and understand the mechanisms that facilitate the diffusion of e-learning environments in classroom higher education based on a successful case at this process. Relying on key elements from Theory of Diffusion of Innovation, six employees of the organization were interviewed - five teachers and one manager of e-learning projects. Although there is no alignment between technology elements, pedagogy and management in the organization, the results reveal the crucial role of local support and development of technology, as well as the pioneering and experimentation of the technology in promoting the diffusion of innovation.


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How to Cite

Nogueira Cortimiglia, M. (2015). e-Learning environments in classroom higher education courses: Analysis from a successful case of the technology diffusion. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 69(3), 9–26. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie693109





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