The role of the learning communities in the construction of a common vision for the teaching of computing in schools


  • M. Cecilia Martínez Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
  • M. Emilia Echeveste Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina



teacher training; ICT; computer science; practice communities.


Introducing innovations in the school needs to develop in the educational community a common vision on the content to teach, teaching strategies and the educational, social and subjective implications of the innovation.
This work documents a teacher training experience focused on building a common vision on the teaching of computer programming in high school, following the model of learning communities. During the experience 26 surveys to teachers were analyzed, which threw as the main piece a change in beliefs about the approach to the teaching of computing in schools. We documented the teacher-training strategies that helped to build a common vision and the role of the learning communities in the construction of this vision.


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How to Cite

Martínez, M. C., & Echeveste, M. E. (2014). The role of the learning communities in the construction of a common vision for the teaching of computing in schools. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 65, 19–36.

