Intervención sociometacognitiva: una apuesta para la comprensión textual


  • Sandra Patricia Díaz Arrieta Universidad del Valle, Colombia
  • Ibeth del Rosario Morales Escobar Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina



Reading comprehension, metacognition, sociocultural approach, sociometacognitive approach


The purpose of this paper is to present the research results Sociometacognitiva intervention to improve reading comprehension in college students. In which it was designed and determined the incidence of an orientation program sociometacognitiva in the process of text comprehension of students in first semester at the University of Cordoba and the impact thereof on the perceptions of learners about their reading process. This program is directed from the conception of understanding as a process of reconstruction of the discursive significance from control and use of metacognitive strategies. Valuing the contributions of cognitive and sociocultural perspectives of reading.
To this end, it took two complementary studies: one analytical and one empirical interpretive order. The results confirm that the intervention model sociometacognitivo intervention creates an environment conducive to the development of reading comprehension processes, as the pilot study indicates the existence of significant differences between tests pretest - posttest in the middle of the competence of testing and show that the intervention promotes knowledge and control metacognitive reading strategies of planning, monitoring and evaluation, and awareness of the sequences and discursive strategies of the organization modes of explanation and argument. In qualitative analysis it was determined that the students have raised awareness of the implementation of reading strategies to plan (making predictions), control (paraphrasing, stress, defined by contextualization, writing in the margin) and evaluate (made summaries and concept maps) continues so the reading process and, additionally, have the ability to choose the best strategy according to the goal with reading or the difficulty to be solved in the reading process.
Keywords: Reading comprehension, metacognition, sociocultural approach, sociometacognitive approach


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How to Cite

Díaz Arrieta, S. P., & Morales Escobar, I. del R. (2013). Intervención sociometacognitiva: una apuesta para la comprensión textual. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 61(4), 1–13.





- Investigación educativa