The non-place the black student in the brazil education


  • Tamyris Proença Bonilha Universidade Nilton Lins, Manaus/AM,
  • Ângela Fátima Soligo Faculdade de Educação da Unicamp,



racism | exclusion of black student | racial prejudice.


This study aims to analyze statistical data about the black person educational history in basic education. It is intended to relate and to question the School Census data, identifying the Brazilian regions with the greater reduction in the black student’s proportion over the education levels. It was used for data collection the Censo Escolar de 2007 e 2009. We identified disparity between the number of black students and brown students at all levels of education, a situation, understood into the bleaching ideal logic; the highest proportion of black students are concentrated in children education, specifically in pre-school; the elementary school final years and high school levels of education represent the smallest proportion of black students. The exclusion of black person is a national problem, not being limited to a specific region, that is, black students suffer the consequences of racial discrimination in every region of the country, and in every level of education.


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How to Cite

Proença Bonilha, T., & Soligo, Ângela F. (2015). The non-place the black student in the brazil education. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 68(2), 31–48.





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