The transcendence of approval, as an emotional need and its impact at teaching-learning process
Emotional competencies | need for approval | collaborative work.Abstract
The teaching-learning process involves procedures considered themselves as it own of the educational context, such as the fact of passing courses and examinations. However approve or not approve, is beyond the daily fact.; involves feelings and emotions that harm or support the academic performance. The approval becomes a need when it has been subject to censure and reprobation on daily actions and verbal or corporal communication. To achieve interactivity and interdependence between peer at academic work as its recommended by the educational reform in México, entails reaching a high aware need for approval level of the own activities, thoughts and behaviors, and develop competencies at handling emotions on par with academic skills, during the permanence in educative centers. Thence, will be easier the transit to collaborative, solidary and community work that is required. Nevertheless the current state of need for approval is unknown, so in this article the results of such a need arise in a sample of 1148 individuals (students, teachers and parents) from diferents schools of the InstitutoPolitécnico Nacional and educatives centers of the Durango state, and the results of the mediation phase applied to 36 teachers.
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