Towards the foundation for the sustainability in higher education


  • David Alba Hidalgo Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. España



sustainability; higher education; policies


Higher Education Institutions have an inescapable responsibility in solving environmental problems, of which they are contributors.  The sustainability paradigm has reached the university practice translating into actions of greening curricula and environmental management, but also social responsibility. In this article, the conceptual precepts of the university element of environmental sustainability are collected, making a tour of the international declarations that have promoted it. It contemplates a critical review of its different approaches and the latest trends, based on the quality assessments, transparency and accountability, with the aim of supporting university sustainability policies as a way of improving their implementation


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How to Cite

Alba Hidalgo, D. (2017). Towards the foundation for the sustainability in higher education. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 73, 15–34.

