The reconstructive process of research practices on representations of teaching in special education


  • Belarmina Benítez de Vendrell Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Argentina.
  • Luis Justo Le Gall Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Argentina.



Educational research; social representations; residence practices.


This paper attempts to reconstruct and comment on the investigative practices developed by the members of an ongoing research project: “Representations of Teaching Work in the Training Contexts of Teaching Practice Residency of the Special Education Teacher -Training Course”. This project was approved by the Secretary of Research and Postgraduate Studies of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the National University of Misiones, and it is identified as 16H394, 2014.

The idea of looking into the process arises from the need to justify the different turns that the investigation has taken due to discussions generated within the research team.

As a result of the analysis of the chronicles, it was possible to detect certain elements that influenced the course of the investigation such as discussions about the theoretical orientation of bibliographic materials that were handled in the team; the temporo-spatial definition of the research stages; the connection of this study with the subject of “Professional Practice Teaching and Technology (PPT y T)” of the Teacher in Special Education Course –FHyCS, UNaM; the delimitation of the areas of development of research; and the theoretical and methodological considerations that have marked the directions of the task.


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How to Cite

Benítez de Vendrell, B., & Le Gall, L. J. (2017). The reconstructive process of research practices on representations of teaching in special education. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 73(2), 46–70.





- Investigación educativa