The self-concept of university teachers
Self-concept; significant teachers; teaching competence; self; interpersonal perception; teaching satisfaction; self-acceptance.Abstract
The focus of this work is the self-concept of 86 teachers from two Mexican universities. In order to investigate the subject, a self-perception scale was applied, consisting of 7 categories: teacher competence, self-realization, interpersonal perception, satisfaction, risk taking and initiatives, self-acceptance and relationship with students. A semi-structured interview was also used for 25 teachers, who according to their students were significant in their training. According to the results obtained, teachers consider having the necessary skills to carry out their work within the teaching, although not performed with this task, they feel accepted and establish good relationships with their co-workers. There are differences in satisfaction: only teachers who promote meaningful learning are satisfied with their teaching task, they risk and are more self-critical, while the rest are not and do not take risks in their practice. Teachers in the sample find it difficult to express the way they look at themselves, recognize their qualities above all, and defects, nonetheless consider that the way in which they are seen has repercussions in the way in which the educating ones Perceive themselves and see them.
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