Structure, organization and management of agricultural universities in Argentina: a brief analysis


  • Gabriela Civeira Instituto de Suelos INTA-CIRN, Argentina



Higher Education | Leadership | Professional | Development | Good Practice


Structure and management are related concepts, several studies indicate that improving management processes should take into account the internal academic environment, communication and human relationships and should include periodic review of the organizational system and the adequacy of the changes in organizational structure. This paper attempts to understand the reality of universities offering agronomist career, how they should modify their structure under the new production scenarios nationally and internationally, and understand if through this analysis they can improve university management and agricultural skills of professionals who graduate from universities. The academic organization is divided into basic units, the two polar models are classic and the department and the department, which represent different ways of understanding and academic issues that arose in different contexts and respond to diverse needs.


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How to Cite

Civeira, G. (2015). Structure, organization and management of agricultural universities in Argentina: a brief analysis. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 67(2), 83–102.





- Organización y administración de la educación