The students’ participation in a process of pedagogical supervision interpares. Implicações in context of personal and professional development of teachers


  • José Castilho Agrupamento de Escolas de Terras de Bouro, Portugal
  • César Sá Escola Superior de Educação, Portugal



personal and professional development of teachers | pedagogical supervision | peer pedagogical supervision | teacher collaboration


This article presents a study which included a process of peer pedagogical supervision as a way to contribute to personal and professional development of the teachers involved and to improve the quality of learning of their students. It was a process of action research, using cycles of mutual observation of classes by the participating teachers, and the consequent collaborative reflection. In this study, students also participated through focus groups and writing reflections about the teaching practice of their teachers, as well. The participation of students aimed to know their perception about the performance of the teachers involved in the study and the choices they make in the context of the classroom. It was a strategic stake, based on the idea that Personal and Professional Development of teachers and the improvement of the quality of student learning are intertwined.


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How to Cite

Castilho, J., & Sá, C. (2015). The students’ participation in a process of pedagogical supervision interpares. Implicações in context of personal and professional development of teachers. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 67(2), 143–160.





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