The Ecuadorian educational reality from a teaching perspective


  • Helder Marcell Barrera Erreyes Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE), Ecuador
  • Teresa Marlene Barragán García Instituto Tecnológico Superior “Luis A. Martínez”, Ecuador
  • Grace Elaine Ortega Zurita Instituto Tecnológico Superior “Luis A. Martínez”, Ecuador



education; educational coherence; learning,skills


The Ecuadorian education has been changing rigorously throughout history. In this paper, the professors express their perspective on the reality of the educational system of our country. The existing changes are an educational revolution for the Ministry of Education of Ecuador; it talks about the application of educational quality standards, a new curriculum adjustment implemented from 2016 for Basic General Education and Baccalaureate, which presumes that students will develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in concrete situations, in different contexts for solving problems. On the other hand, Higher Education supposes that students that culminate the studies of baccalaureate will be ready to develop the competences that are required in this educational level and later for its professional life. The present analysis details the perceptions that the professors have about the conflicts or difficulties with students in the learning process, as well as the conceptions about the current situation of education in Ecuador. We spend more than 18 years in the classroom in the course of our lives. So the big questions are why do not we have the necessary skills to be the best? Is there no real structural coherence between initial education, basic education, baccalaureate and higher education? Is it true that traditional education was more efficient than the current one? These and more, are the questions that people are asked when they realize, they do not have the tools needed to be, know, do and undertake activities or projects that improve the quality of life.


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Author Biography

Helder Marcell Barrera Erreyes, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE), Ecuador

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Docente de Lengua y Literatura
Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Docente de Lengua y Literatura, Ambato, Ecuador


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How to Cite

Barrera Erreyes, H. M., Barragán García, T. M., & Ortega Zurita, G. E. (2017). The Ecuadorian educational reality from a teaching perspective. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 75(2), 9–20.





- Calidad de la educación