Education in the works of Freud: notes for the educational processes of children


  • Aline Sommerhalder Universidade Federal de São Carlos – UFSCar/SP/Brasil
  • Fernando Donizete Alves Universidade Federal de São Carlos – UFSCar/SP/Brasil



Psychoanalysis. Educational Processes. Child. Freud.


In this paper, we performed an analysis of Freud's thought on education in order to understand the possible relationship of the assumptions of his theory for/in the educational processes of school children. Therefore, the aim was to investigate the thinking of Freud's ideas on education and how these can be collaborative processes in the contexts of school education of children. This is a survey that seeks methodological foundation in the field of qualitative research, a theoretical-empirical and methodological procedure was held to review of a number of works freudian that address, directly or indirectly, education as thematic. Freudian thinking to elucidate some propositions regarding the educational processes of school children. His ideas on education is not on the ground of methodologies and teaching techniques, often reprinted in the present, but always with universalizing characteristics. Its nodal point is grounded in the recognition of the operability of the unconscious in educational relations and psychosexuality as the engine of human development. Thus, the educational processes of children need to be understood as a practice singled and not universalizing, as proposed in the arsenal of teaching techniques. To educate is to promote modes of assignments own psychic energy, refocusing on more evaluative purposes. It is the art of transforming human impulses in constructive and creative process.


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How to Cite

Sommerhalder, A., & Donizete Alves, F. (2014). Education in the works of Freud: notes for the educational processes of children. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 66(2), 1–11.





- Psicología de la educación