What, how and where he investigates about the TEIP (1998-2012).Analysis of the scientific production in Portugal


  • Catarina Tomás Universidade do Minho, Portugal.
  • Ana Gama Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, Portugal




Educational Territories for Priority Intervention; Master’s theses; Educational Policy; Mapping


This paper intends to present the result of a work of both mapping and analysis of the knowledge produced by research on the Educational Territories of Priority Intervention (TEIP). From the recognition that is at the level of master's theses that the bulk of research conducted in Portugal is located, we centre the analysis of the scientific production on this Program in public and private higher education institutions, in Portugal between 1998 and 2012. The analysis is carried out on the basis of the following analytical dimensions: (i) the location and disciplinary field in which they are anchored, (ii) the focus areas of the research, (iii) the methodology used and, (iv) the main trends in the analysis of the program. Through the survey and identification of master's theses produced on the subject under review, a number of studies were identified. Then it was decided to select the thesis developed within academic masters’ degree and those which has the TEIP as the object of study. From a qualitative approach was carried out the categorization and analysis of the 23 theses.

From the analysis gains prominence the small number of theses produced on the TEIP as well the tendency to the Program be based on the metropolis. Also that the same trend expresses the same reality when we analyse what are the institutions which produces knowledge on the TEIP. The area of Educational Administration or School Administration, is the major producer of theses on the subject, with a clear predominance by themes assembled around Evaluation of the Program.


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How to Cite

Tomás, C., & Gama, A. (2014). What, how and where he investigates about the TEIP (1998-2012).Analysis of the scientific production in Portugal. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 66(2), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie662281





- Investigación educativa