Sources of Social Capital and the Education for the Sustentabilidade: a promising joint


  • Paola Schmitt Figueiró Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS, Brasil
  • Tania Nunes da Silva Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Brasil



Social Capital, Education, Sustainability, Awareness, Engagement.


To assert that society is living the awakening of environmental consciousness is risky, but the number of actions and agreements in this scenario is growing. In this context, we identify the importance of environmental awareness engagement projects and actions for young people, so they can act as multipliers. Thus, this study aims to identify relevant aspects for the implementation and success of environmental awareness and engagement projects and actions aimed for young people. To accomplish this, we analyzed a team of academic participants at "Zero Impact" gymkhana which was promoted in Brazil, in 2011, by SWU (Starts With You) and other partners. This is a case study, based on participant observation and interviews with team members: students, teacher coordinator and support staff. The main results showed several sources of Social Capital located in the proposed activity, such as the members’ identity with the sustainability topic, the solidarity from the community members to help the team, the organization efforts, the formation of new networks, besides the interaction and association between existing networks. So, the connection between Social Capital and Education for Sustainability can enable a solid basis for promoting environmental awareness.


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How to Cite

Schmitt Figueiró, P., & Nunes da Silva, T. (2014). Sources of Social Capital and the Education for the Sustentabilidade: a promising joint. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 66(1), 1–15.





- Educación ambiental