The curricula of pedagogy courses and cultural studies


  • Aurinete Santos Souza Faculdade dos Guararapes, Brasil



curriculum, cultural studies, multiculturalism


In our research we have brought as subsidies the concept of multiculturalism of cultural studies and the discussion of the perspective and the post-critical theories of the curriculum. We've observe that the norms bring thematic axes that remember multiculturalism, however it distance themselves from cultural studies, and from the post-critical perspective of the curriculum, when analyzing the writing of its texts. The aim is to analyze curricular matrices of Pedagogy courses in higher education institutions in the city of Recife / PE, focusing on subjects that contemplate the thematic axes of cultural studies. To identify what the educational norms say about the presence of multiculturalism in the curricular matrices of the pedagogy courses, to observe if the educational norms with regard to cultural studies are present in the analyzed curricular matrices. We've identified that the formation of the pedagogue and pedagogue of the city of Recife for some thematic axes of cultural studies, for example, in racial and cultural issues, related to indigenous education, sexuality, gender, and ethno-racial issues specifically with regard to Afro-descendants, still need to move forward. The disciplines in its nomenclatures, what we found most were Afro and Indigenous History and Culture, valorization of this history and the relations of the different cultures. And most propose to reflect the racism in an attempt to overcome it. Our research opens horizons for the construction of new curricular proposals and menus of the higher education institutions of the pedagogy courses, and it allows us to think about a curricular matrix that contributes to the initial teacher  education  of the infantile education and initial years.


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How to Cite

Souza, A. S. (2018). The curricula of pedagogy courses and cultural studies. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 76(1), 101–124.





- Currículo y planes de estudio