Neurodydactic and self-regulation of learning, a path from theory to practice




Neurodidactics, Self-regulation of Learning, Secondary Level, Autonomous Learning


The self-regulation of learning aims to generate an autonomous process in the students; Based on this approach, we consider that the educational task should be directed to the formation of competences that allow learning to learn, thus achieving a constant and continuous learning throughout life in the different situations and areas in which it must develop and, fundamentally, enable spaces in which the student generates new ways of thinking and behavior. For all this, we began to investigate and look for alternatives and varied strategies to be able to modify the way in which each teacher brings knowledge to the students, focusing on the methodology and teaching strategies, looking for students to get involved in their own learning, Be responsible for it and be aware of the changes that occur in them. To address this situation, from the neurodidactics we create projects in different curricular spaces, where the teachers propitiated that the learning is centered on the student, considering it as the axis of the process, recognizing, accepting and respecting that it is he who realizes an active construction of knowledge with the guide of the teacher and his classmates. Throughout this paper we present the articulation from theory to practice through the different curricular spaces.


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How to Cite

Muchiut, Álvaro F., Zapata, R. B., Comba, A., Mari, M., Torres, N., Pellizardi, J., & Segovia, A. P. (2018). Neurodydactic and self-regulation of learning, a path from theory to practice. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 78(1), 205–219.





Monográfico. Neurodidáctica en el aula