Teaching pedagogical aspects and student satisfaction. Analysis of the Spanish University System (SUE)


  • Carlos Ferro-Soto Universidad de Vigo, España
  • Carmen Otero-Neira Universidad de Vigo, España
  • Mercedes Vila Alonso Universidad de Vigo, España




Spanish University System; European Space for Higher Education; Education Quality; Teaching Methodolgy


The integration of the Spanish University System (SUS) in the European Space for Higher Education (ESHE) has promoted changes in the educative paradigm and has highlighted the concerns about the quality of higher education. In this line, this work focuses its attention on evaluating to what extent the different facets from the educational practice of professors satisfy the expectations of the students. To do so, and using a questionnaire, we have asked the opinion of the students of the degree on Business Administration at the University of Vigo. The identification of the different educational facets has been made by means of a factorial analysis. The empirical contrasts of our hypothesis were carried out by means of T-test and regression analysis. Regarding these analysis, it can be concluded that the integration of the SUS into the ESHE has not been already finished. So far important advances have been approached in terms of a closer relationship between professors and students such as the former being more worried about the latter needs or given them stronger support by means of tutorial actions. Nevertheless, such advances have not been perceived in relation with the methodology and the resources used by the professors.


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How to Cite

Ferro-Soto, C., Otero-Neira, C., & Vila Alonso, M. (2014). Teaching pedagogical aspects and student satisfaction. Analysis of the Spanish University System (SUE). Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 65(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie651323





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