Resignifying the pedagogical relation: Let the emotion flow in the in-between




afectividad; emoción; relación pedagógica; relatos; sensibilidad; vínculo


School daily life which is undoubtedly imbued for what is parametrized, mechanized, instituted and regulated, makes the sensitive looks to recognize the generational difference between teachers and students impossible, and instead of it paves the way for affection. Any trace of sensibility has been lost in such relationship, since the majority of teachers build obstacles when bonding with their students and abandon themselves to the requirements that generalize and homogenize them. Rethinking this relationship is a bet that comes out of nowhere, is a matter manifested by the student’s voices, who evidence their position, stating by means of their school stories, the ways in which they establish bonds or not with their teachers based on experiences in different schools spaces where they normally find themselves and spend a great deal of time with them. Therefore, the students suggest that the emotion and the affectivity are necessary to revitalize the school with sensitivity; for this matter, from the performed study, emerges the need to invite the teacher to promote relational spaces in terms of a sensitive pedagogy, so that, instead of causing misunderstandings with the student, the teacher interweaves with them welcoming bonds and also those of respect and recognition. Thus, it is intended with the present article to exhort the teacher to resignify the pedagogic relation from an ethical position, from which the student is recognized in its human condition letting the emotion flow in the in-between of this relation.


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How to Cite

Cadavid Marín, Ángela M., & Parra Naranjo, J. P. (2019). Resignifying the pedagogical relation: Let the emotion flow in the in-between. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 79(2), 9–24.





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