Teacher actions in Virtual Learning Environments provided by Learning Analytics tools





learning analytics, virtual learning environments, distance learning, college education, big data.


It is noticed that there is a relevant adoption of virtual learning environments (VLE) in higher education, especially in the distance modality. These environments, with the support of Big Data, can provide actions for teaching evaluation practice based on tools that meet the objectives of learning analytics (LA), according to models and life cycles already defined in the literature. The purpose of this study was to consolidate ten possible teaching actions based on these tools, models and life cycles, with the objective of confronting these actions with teachers involved from higher education institutions that work in distance education evidencing them through an experiment where they used six of these tools of teaching profile in their respective disciplines in VLE Moodle. For collection, two semi-structured questionnaires (pre and post-experiment) were used. It was characterized as results of this study that the tools that had the most highlight for LA actions were: Completion Progress (18.5%), Course Dedication (18.1%) and Level Up! (17.8%), followed by "evaluation / feedback" (13.0%) and "intervention" (12.0%) %), thus being compatible with the purpose of reaching the evaluative practice within VLE from these tools.


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How to Cite

Dias Júnior, M. V., & Mercado, L. P. (2019). Teacher actions in Virtual Learning Environments provided by Learning Analytics tools. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 80(1), 117–137. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie8013459

