Dialogue between university and social movements: search for commitment and social transformation


  • Débora Monteiro do Amaral UFSCar, Brasil
  • Aida Victoria Garcia Montrone UFSCar, Brasil




Social Movements, Pedagogy of the Earth, Partnership, University


This article proposes a discussion about entering higher education by the National Education Program in Agrarian Reform (PRONERA) in public universities in the state of São Paulo, and it brings to the Faculty of Education of the Earth Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar ), the first course of its kind in the state. The Faculty of Education of the Earth in UFSCar is accompanied by 4 different social movements and organizations: Movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST), Organization of Women Settled Quilombolas and the State of São Paulo (OMAQUESP), Federation of Family Farming State of São Paulo (FAF) and Federation of Rural Workers and the State of São Paulo (FERAESP). The education of the field and in particular the Faculty of Education of the Earth, brought for the population of the field possibility to access higher education, which has given them a way to manage their own lives, being subjects both of the process of proposing the model of education that they want, as so participating actively in the construction of new knowledge. Learning and teaching subjects that will seek new possibilities of survival and achievement of a quality life.


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How to Cite

Monteiro do Amaral, D., & Garcia Montrone, A. V. (2014). Dialogue between university and social movements: search for commitment and social transformation. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 64(2), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie642369





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