Performance indicator in reading in Uruguay; a multi-level approach from TERCE




multilevel models; factors associated with academic achievement; international large-scale sssessments; TERCE


The aim of this study is to identify the factors that influence students' achievement at the end of elementary school in Uruguay. Data from UNESCO’s Third Regional Comparative and Explanatory Study (TERCE) were used to identify the factors associated with school performance in Reading. The relationships between contextual indicators and student proficiency were analyzed through hierarchical linear models (MLH) that consider the effects of the characteristics of schools, teachers, students and their families on proficiency in reading. The analysis confirms the importance of student level factors associated to characteristics such as gender, family background, parents' educational expectations and grade retention. Regarding school-level effects, the institutional factors represented a smaller part of the total variance explained. Overall, the ability of Uruguayan schools to influence learning is considerably limited even after taking account of the school composition and it contextual effects.



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How to Cite

Silveira Aberastury, A. (2020). Performance indicator in reading in Uruguay; a multi-level approach from TERCE. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 84(1), 155–176.





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