Digital teaching materials in early childhood education: analysis of institutional repositories
teaching material; basic education; digitization; early childhood education; metadataAbstract
Regional educational administrations have launched, within the digitization of teaching and learning processes, the creation of institutional portals that include repositories of materials for teaching whose goal is to support teachers of the different stages, under the collaborative work’s argument. Under this approach, this study aims to analyse a selection of resources for Early Childhood Education that are included in the institutional repositories of Canarias, Galicia and Comunidad Valenciana. Specifically, the analysis focuses on aspects such as the type of resource, the language in which it is offered, the area being worked on, the recommended age, the authorship, the year of creation or the type of license, trying to provide a comparative description of the availability of materials between the different territories. The results show that the materials are, for the most part, digital learning objects, developed in the Spanish language (with an important presence of the regional languages) by individual teachers and without recent updates. In addition, they focus especially on the areas of knowledge of the environment and languages, but are not specific in relation to the age of the students
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