Digital learnings built with children in situation of school socioeconomic segregation




Disadvantaged schools; elementary school students; learning strategies; action research; teacher researcher; technology education


We, teachers in Latin America, live between the potential of digital school and, at the same time, the actual situation of school socioeconomic segregation of our students. Therefore, we ask: how to build digital learning despite the situation of socioeconomic school segregation? When defining itself, what learning can boys and girls build? Both, a teacher researcher and 71 girls and boys between 9-13 years old, built an action research that consisted of the use of a digital strategy in computational thinking, in addition, the execution of class workshops, focus groups and a family recovery of the lived experience to capitalize built learning. We used a qualitative analysis assisted by the Atlas ti software -version 8-. We grounded on data eight learnings built by girls and boys: spontaneous learning; to censor content; to teach the family; to identify their own learning;  to belong to online communities; to know how to play; feelings about learning; and, school usefulness of technology. Finally, we discuss the findings within the research background, its methodological and practical implications


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How to Cite

Lopera-Zuluaga, E. C., Marín-Ochoa, B. E., & García-Franco, L. J. (2021). Digital learnings built with children in situation of school socioeconomic segregation. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 85(1), 159–183.





Monographic. Digital School: strategies and digital didactic materials