Use of advanced technologies for science education
high technology, educational technology, science education, STEM, formal educationAbstract
Educational innovation in the field of science education has demonstrated in recent years the importance of integrating digital technologies. To integrate these technologies, it is necessary to take into account the context (the educational level) and to have teachers trained in teaching digital skills. In this article we have carried out a search and analysis of different educational experiences of scientific teaching supported by the use of advanced technologies at all regulated educational levels (preschool, primary, secondary and university). The selected good practices are characterized by being real experiences supported by advanced technologies and with evaluation data that show their good results. They are classified according to the level and type of technology used (robotics, extended reality, platforms / apps, video games and artificial intelligence). We highlight the case of the Create-Skills project in which a collaborative platform has been used to promote collaboration between teachers and families in order to implement an active teaching of scientific disciplines in primary school.
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