“Gifted black girls” in an educational context: state of the art





altas habilidades ou superdotação; educação de superdotados; educação inclusiva; feminino


Gifted and talented girls have historically faced many challenges and inequalities in the education system. In this study, we define research treGifted and talented girls have historically faced many challenges and inequalities in the education system. In this study, we define research trends on the education of black girls from the perspective of scientific giftedness. We carried out a systematic review of the literature in order to know: (a) the types of studies that publish content on the education of gifted black girls; (b) the objectives and theoretical models that support them; (c) the methodologies and research subjects. The systematic review was carried out in three languages: English, Portuguese and Spanish. We use five databases: Scopus, Web of Science, Eric, CAPES and Dialnet. In our literature review, we combine a systematic approach with a snowball approach. In total, we included 42 articles for analysis. Our conclusion is that: (1) there is a lack of publications in Portuguese and Spanish language; (2) the meanings about the education of gifted black girls are socially constructed; (3) the critical theory of race supports the non-hegemonic scientific discoursends on the education of black girls from the perspective of scientific g


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How to Cite

Baquero Gomide, F., & Ibáñez Garcia , A. (2022). “Gifted black girls” in an educational context: state of the art. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 89(1), 127–145. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie8814842





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