Tutorial Action plan for students with disabilities: a proposal to improve the training quality in Spanish universities
orientation; tutoring; disability; students; universityAbstract
The present work presents a validated proposal to develop tutorial action plan for college students with disabilities. On one hand, parses tutorials actions carried out by care services a student with disabilities at forty Spanish universities, whereas above all the key moments in the history of the student, which are linked to the promotion, reception, retention and discharge. Out of the analysis made is conspicuously where there are no tutorials, neither global nor specific action plans for students with disabilities.
On the other hand, presents a validated proposal of tutorial action plan that sets its priority recipients, guidelines and recommendations according to the type of disability that the student, orientation general performances, different formats and modalities of tutorial action, key moments and its organization in the phases of motivation, awareness, planning, execution, evaluation and institutionalization.
Among the key findings, it’s pointed out the importance that the proposal will facilitate the active participation and the inclusion of students with disabilities in the university dynamics, promoting their development and academic success from a comprehensive training and quality
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