Educational inclusion students’ with the autistic spectrum disorder at the university


  • Manuel Ojea Rúa
  • Nuria Diéguez García



autism spectrum disorders; higher education; educational guidance; educational psychology intervention; inclusive education.


The inclusion of people with specific educational support needs related to autism spectrum disorders (ASD), in schools, is defined under the principles of curriculum integration, performed on the same regular space. In college there is currently an important policy development based on counseling that seeks to answer the equity of education of people with disabilities accessing grade studies. From this perspective, it is necessary to establish the basic criteria and educational guidance which must support the design of programs consistent with this inclusive process at the university level. This research is precisely to answer into this question, the main objective is to expose the most significant predictive variables to establish the basis of such programs and to serve the educational needs in universities while establishing guidelines psychological and pedagogical guidance. Indeed, the results found by stepwise regression analysis provides the basis for development of a comprehensive program, which then must necessarily be adapted to the particular needs of each situation.


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Author Biographies

Manuel Ojea Rúa

Doctor en Psicopedagogía, catedrático de orientación educativa, profesor de la Universidad de Vigo, España

Nuria Diéguez García

Doctora en Psicopedagogía, orientadora educativa, España.


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How to Cite

Ojea Rúa, M., & Diéguez García, N. (2016). Educational inclusion students’ with the autistic spectrum disorder at the university. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 71(1), 175–192.





- Educación inclusiva