In search of an elusive object: interdisciplinary teaching in secondary school from teachers perspective




interdisciplinary teaching; curriculum integration; secondary education; teaching practices


Despite the fact that interdisciplinary teaching constitutes an almost ubiquitous element of secondary education reform initiatives in Argentina, we know very little about its translation into the actual school setting. This article seeks to explore the implementation of interdisciplinary teaching in secondary schools from the perspective of teachers, focusing on the recurring meanings when it comes to accounting for the curricular and didactic constructions they carry out to put it into practice. It does so based on interviews conducted with teachers who were in charge of interdisciplinary curricular units in three secondary schools in the City of Buenos Aires. It accounts for the ways in which teachers use their repertoire of available practical knowledge to make sense of the integrative imperative and finds that their didactic and curricular constructions involve a set of specific material and symbolic conditions.


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How to Cite

Sánchez, M. B. (2023). In search of an elusive object: interdisciplinary teaching in secondary school from teachers perspective. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 92(1), 119–135.





- La educación multi, inter y transdisciplinar en la formación a lo largo de la