Challenges of the Connect-Equality Program in Argentina


  • Muriel Vázquez Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina



Educative paradigm, Society of the information, Collaborative learning, Fairness, Process education/learning, Communicational process


In this work, we tried to present/display elements of a hermeneutic of knowledge, that it tries to orient itself towards one better understanding of the sense of the educative reality, within the framework of the beginning of the Connect-Equality program in Argentina. The process of construction of the knowledge is constituent part of the education and, insofar as the same is experience, it can be analyzed and be described like phenomenon. But as well, as soon as he is something theoretical, it can be explained like object. The central question of our work resides in the analysis of the new and complex educative relations that occur to the interior of the classroom of the secondary school of the institutionalized public education in the Argentina, in which the knowledge is shared, promoted and constructed in collaborative form with the intermediation of technologies of the information and communication. To include/understand the educative reality from the point of view of the knowledge would imply the necessity to construct a sense, besides criteria for this construction, trying to discriminate and to determine the different networks from meaning maintain that it and in which it is framed. It is necessary, therefore, to release the conflicting interpretations that of her can be had, to work on the historical and cultural assumptions in whom it rests and on the diversity of theories base that them.


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Author Biography

Muriel Vázquez, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Profesora de Enseñanza Media y Superior en Filosofía, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina



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How to Cite

Vázquez, M. (2013). Challenges of the Connect-Equality Program in Argentina. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 63(2), 3.





- Equidad en la educación