Patterns, possibilities, problems and a case study in the postmethod application of Linguistic Landscape on teaching Spanish in an University frame in Spain




education, postmethod, case study, university, Spain, Linguistic Landscape


n this work, using Kumaravadivelu’s (1993, 1994, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2012) postmethod pedagogy as the theoretical educational framework, we aim to outline the state of the art of the didactic application of the Linguistic Landscape (LL) for teaching first and second languages, as well as linguistics. We will attempt to show how the 10 microstrategies of the postmethod can be adjusted to the aforementioned pedagogical application of the LL in the relevant literature, distinguishing between mere didactic proposals and classroom experiences. Additionally, a four-part classification of the types of activities (microstrategies in Kumaravadivelu’s postmethod condition) will be proposed. Following this, a case study of the application of the LL in an introductory Spanish class will be analyzed in two groups, one control and one experimental, at the University of Granada, aiming to test the initial hypothesis that the pedagogical use of the LL would have a positive impact on student performance


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How to Cite

Sáez Rivera, D. (2024). Patterns, possibilities, problems and a case study in the postmethod application of Linguistic Landscape on teaching Spanish in an University frame in Spain. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 96(1), 153–174.





The linguistic landscape and its impact on educational contexts