Tutoring in an educational environment with social conflicts


  • Carmen Carpio de los Pinos Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, España
  • Victoriana García Díaz IES Prado de Santo Domingo. Alcorcón (Madrid), España




tutoring, educational environment, social conflict, intervention


Processes of interaction, school climate and attitudes toward violence were assessed in a school environment with difficulties in coexistence and with conflict in social relationships(Carpio and Tejero, 2012). A significant influence was found on three of the five factors of violence in classrooms pointed by Prieto (2005): school failure, negative climate and audiovisual media. And it was not found, neither in the group of friends, nor in family environment. Intervention arises from a tutorial program through cooperative learning, group dynamics, and conflict resolution strategies. It is Specified objectives and activities applied in 6 sessions,during four months, aimed at tutoring classes. Intervention caused a significant impact in the experimental group more than in the control group in the attitudes against violence and discrimination. No significant effect on school climate was appreciated. Intervention program would have a greater behavioral impact, with more intervention sessions, during two or more courses, with the participation of families, more teachers and intervention at leisure. It is concluded that with a brief tutorial action, based on an assessment of the processes of interaction, has been a basic change in attitudes to improve a troubled school climate.


tutoring, educational environment, social conflict, intervention


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How to Cite

Carpio de los Pinos, C., & García Díaz, V. (2013). Tutoring in an educational environment with social conflicts. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 62(2), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie622847





- Education in values