The Dialogic Literary Circle in the practicum of the formation initial of teachers


  • Consol Aguilar Ródenas Universidad Jaume I. España



Dialogic Literary Circle; Dialogic learning; initial teacher training practices; critical and dialogic reading; educational transformation


The experience we share here, a Dialogic Literary Circle within the context of a programme of initial teacher training practices, was implemented in two schools, both CAES, in 2013-2014. This educational action proved to be a successful one in achieving dialogic learning, namely, a subject-subject relationship between teacher and student. This is so because the interactions which took place, first of all, favoured intersubjective knowledge creation as well as reflective learning from a critical questioning of reality, since within this frame of Dialogic Literary Circles our life experience is recognized and valued by our peers and that diversity enriches us all. Secondly, because of through equal dialogue we learn to (i) listen and respect others, (ii) to question our practices from the point of view of collective reflection; (iii) to learn to generate equal and transformative educational alternatives. Thirdly, because thanks to this experience, we learn that compromise is vital if we defend an associate critical citizenship and consequently, consistency between our theory and practice is necessary and should be called for. Fourthly, because we develop a critical and dialogic reading that helps us to argue from arguments of reason and not from arguments based in power. Fifthly, because we learn that inreading is not good for anyone. And last but not least, because this experience roots us into utopia.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Ródenas, C. (2017). The Dialogic Literary Circle in the practicum of the formation initial of teachers. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 73(2), 9–22.





- Formación profesional