Narratives of teachers working in areas of armed violence


  • Edisson Cuervo Montoya
  • Ángel San Martín Alonso



narratives; teachers; marginal environments; violence.


In the text we present an exercise in qualitative research, about some beliefs and conceptions of teachers from three educational institutions in the city of Medellín. Basically wondering on how to plan their classes and specifically the material used for planning is presented curriculum or to the class itself and on the theoretical and conceptual knowledge that teachers have about on social violence, direct and navy. The idea is to try to understand some aspects of curricular nature, about the ways in which teachers working in areas of armed violence plan and address educational content on the same violent phenomenon.


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Author Biographies

Edisson Cuervo Montoya
Grupo de Investigación sobre Formación y Antropología Pedagógica e Histórica (FORMAPH), Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia.

Ángel San Martín Alonso
Grupo de Investigación Currículum, Recursos e Instituciones Educativas (CRIE), España.


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How to Cite

Cuervo Montoya, E., & San Martín Alonso, Ángel. (2016). Narratives of teachers working in areas of armed violence. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 72(1).





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