IBERTIC: a self-assessment initiative of ict incorporation projects


  • Lilia Toranzos Equipo IBERTIC, OEI-Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Tamara Vinacur Equipo IBERTIC, OEI-Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Silvina Alegre Equipo IBERTIC, OEI-Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Natalia Apel Equipo IBERTIC, OEI-Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • María Ferraro Equipo IBERTIC, OEI-Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Guadalupe Grau Equipo IBERTIC, OEI-Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • María Gabriela Rutty Equipo IBERTIC, OEI-Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Lucila Salleras Equipo IBERTIC, OEI-Buenos Aires, Argentina




self-assessment; ict projects; monitoring.


The present article shows an initiative which seeks to facilitate self-assessment and monitoring of ict incorporation projects in education by its own designers (teachers, managers, supervisors). For this purpose, a website was created in which the following materials are available: a) a selection of documents as well as bibliography related to ict project assessment, b) methodological orientations and guides, and c) ict project self-assessment tools (surveys, guidelines for interviews, instructions for focal groups, among others). The initiative considers at the same time a diagnosis which each institution can carry out initially and recuperate afterwards to reflect upon the degree of progress achieved.


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Scheuermann, Friedrich y Pedró, Francesc (eds.) (2009). Assessing the effects of ict in education. Indicators, criteria and benchmarks for international comparisons. Luxemburgo: European Commission, Joint Research Centre. Publications Office of the European Union, 2009. Disponible en: http://browse.oecdbookshop.org/oecd/pdfs/free/9609111e.pdf.

Trucano, Michael (2005). «Knowledge maps: ICTs in education». Washington, dc: infoDev/Banco Mundial. Disponible en: www.infodev.org/en/Publication.8.html.

Wagner, Daniel A. y otros (2005). Monitoring and evaluation of ICT in education projects. A handbook for developing countries. Washington, dc: infoDev/Banco Mundial. Disponible en: www.infodev.org/en/Publication.9.html.

How to Cite

Toranzos, L., Vinacur, T., Alegre, S., Apel, N., Ferraro, M., Grau, G., … Salleras, L. (2014). IBERTIC: a self-assessment initiative of ict incorporation projects. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 64, 163–171. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie640412

