Strengthening communicative skills and emotional intelligence


  • Eva Sofía Arteaga Reyes Institución Educativa Eugenio Sánchez Cárdenas, Colombia



emotional intelligence, communicative competences, teenagers, interaction


The researching “communicative skills in the classroom for the strengthening and development of emotional intelligence in teenagers” developed in Eugenio Sanchez Cardenas school, department of Cordoba, presents the work developed in two categories: emotional intelligence and communicative competences. With regard to the first one, it is assumed Mayer y Salovey position(1998) that proposed the processing of emotional information supported in the contributions of the cognitive psychology and the communicative competences from the citizen competences (2005). There were taken the contributions of Chaux (2004), Perez (2006), Echevarria (1996) y Maturana (2002). Who lend importance to communication as a social process that is essential in the interaction.

The present articles of investigation engages the development of IE in the Students of eighth grade in Eugenio Sanchez Cardenas school throughout the strengthening of communicative competences. The aim is then to get that the development of the communicative process would be articulate with the development of the IE, with the purpose to establish better relationships among classmates, and at the same time, to promote the formation of teenagers emotionally stable, who can be able to regulate their emotions and the other ones. Furthermore, it is conceived to provide pedagogical tools to be carried out by the students through communicative actions in the classroom, becoming transformers of their own lives.


Keywords: emotional intelligence, communicative competences, teenagers, interaction


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How to Cite

Arteaga Reyes, E. S. (2013). Strengthening communicative skills and emotional intelligence. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 61(3), 1–10.





- Psicología de la educación