Educate subjects, pedagogical proposal for our culture
individual, me, subject, actor, ethicalAbstract
Personal fulfillment is a complex trajectory of ethical projection, since we consist in giving a reason for our existential history. We consist in being individuals, concretized in a self, with more or less level of subjectivation, of recognizing ourselves subjects, authors and actors, of our existence.
Today, due to the strong scientific-technological development of communicative mediation and the radical relational experience of humans, we live a strong crisis of personal autonomy, which generates deficiencies in the authorship and realization of our existential projection.
Overcoming this crisis of subject requires increasing several processes of awareness. In the first place, to recognize and encourage that existence must always be an ethical projection, a knowing to be and to do that consists in each self striving to be the autonomous subject of personal realization. We are the authors and actors of the inalienable autonomy of our freedom effort.
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