Recommendations for the formation and development of researchers of Mexican Universities


  • Verónica Ortiz Lefort Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG), México
  • María Guadalupe Moreno Bayardo Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG), México
  • José Margarito Jiménez Mora Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG), México
  • Bianca Montserrat Barragán Gutiérrez Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG), México



Formation and development of researchers, Mexican public universities, Organizational change


The need emerges in knowledge society for strategies that allow the formation of critical researchers who impact favorably in the solution of problems that benefit society. Addressing this issue, this qualitative study was performed throughout three Mexican public universities with the objective of advancing and founding deeper understanding of which organisational factors are central to the formation and development of educational researchers in Mexican graduate level studies. In this study, 27 thematic interviews were conducted and Grounded Theory provided the analytical method. Possible strategies for change were explored, derived from the reconstruction of suggestions made by the interviewees, specifically those related to hierarchical structures, the forms of academic organization, and teaching-learning processes.

Empirical evidence shows that the possibilities for organisational change imply modifying the administrative and academic structures of these universities, and demonstrates the necessity of substituting some current practices in the formation of researchers for new methods that have as their basis the development of skills for reflection, argumentation and creativity.

Key words: Formation and development of researchers; Mexican public universities; Organizational change; Change in formation processes.


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How to Cite

Ortiz Lefort, V., Moreno Bayardo, M. G., Jiménez Mora, J. M., & Barragán Gutiérrez, B. M. (2012). Recommendations for the formation and development of researchers of Mexican Universities. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 60(1), 4.





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