Teacher training and engagement of the students in their learning


  • Mª Teresa González González Universidad de Murcia
  • Mª Trinidad Cutanda López Universidad de Murcia




student engagement | disengagement | teacher | training | training modality


This article addresses key issues about teacher training when dealing with the school disaffection and disengagement of some students. This text is structured in three sections. The first one justifies the importance of teacher training, and then the need of that training in a moment such as de one where living nowadays when the pressure for getting the best possible results coexist with the presence in the classrooms with students with a strong disaffection and disengagement is justified and argued. The third section offers three considerations about the general characteristics that should define that training: 1) Aimed at all staff, whether working at regular classrooms or in specific programs for disengaged students 2) not restricted to only providing teachers with a list of techniques and procedures like recipes. Instead, it should be aimed to provide them with broad frameworks of analysis, comprehension and interpretation of the situations leading to the disengagement and how to address them and 3) put on display, combining different approaches and training methods, including the training in the educational center of the staff among them.


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How to Cite

González González, M. T., & Cutanda López, M. T. (2015). Teacher training and engagement of the students in their learning. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 69(2), 9–24. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie692134





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