The development of the portfolio through cooperative work and self-assessment


  • Nuria Arís Redó
  • Mariana Fuentes



portfolio; co-assessment; higher education; cooperative groups; educational innovation.


n this paper an experience of portfolio combined with cooperative workshops and self-assessment activities is presented. The experience was carried out in a group of 65 students of the Special Education Specialization in the last year of the degrees of Kindergarten and Primary School Teachers. The aims of the elaboration of the portfolio were to be a final synthesis of two subjects and also to favour a process of reflection and self assessment of the students. In this paper the experience is described and its theoretical basis is offered. Also, data about students’ perceptions on their own effort, their degree of commitment to the subject, and their proposals to enhance their portfolio process are analised. Finally, reflections about the acquisition of generic and research competences by the students, as well as about the higher education teaching methodology are offered.


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Author Biographies

Nuria Arís Redó
Directora del Master de Psicopedagogia. Universidad Internacional de la Rioja. Logroño, España.

Mariana Fuentes
Coordinadora de la Mención de Educación Especial, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, España.


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How to Cite

Arís Redó, N., & Fuentes, M. (2016). The development of the portfolio through cooperative work and self-assessment. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 71(2).





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