Experts-based item calibration using Moodle


  • Concepción Presedo Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)
  • Ana J. Arméndariz Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)
  • Javier López-Cuadrado Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)
  • Tomás A. Pérez Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)



experts | calibration | item banking | Moodle.


The calibration of a set of items by expert judgment is the process of establishing the difficulty of each item in a common metric by using a sample of data that has been previously collected from specialists on the subject the items deal with. These data contains estimates of the level of difficulty of each item. This calibration process is not a simple task, since it usually involves the partition of the whole set of items into several questionnaires that are distributed among the experts, as well as, in some cases, the inclusion of common items into several questionnaires. Also it is recommendable to determine that both the items and the obtained estimated values for their difficulty are correct (i.e. non anomalous) and to check that the inputs given by the experts are trustworthy. Furthermore, a consensus must be reached when the criteria of the experts consulted are unequal.
This paper focuses on the item bank construction and its calibration using expert judgments on-line, and describes a procedure for this type of calibration using an e-learning platform: Moodle. Nowadays Moodle is one of the most popular free software packages for creating Internet-based courses and Web sites, and it is used worldwide by educational institutions to provide online training.


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Author Biographies

Concepción Presedo, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)
Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Industrial de Bilbao, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)
Ana J. Arméndariz, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)
Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Industrial de Bilbao, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)
Javier López-Cuadrado, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)
Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Industrial de Bilbao, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)


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How to Cite

Presedo, C., Arméndariz, A. J., López-Cuadrado, J., & Pérez, T. A. (2015). Experts-based item calibration using Moodle. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 69(1).





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