A universal public policy of digital inclusion. Emerging changes, obstacles and challenges
Public policy | Educational computing | Digital inclusion | Program evaluation.Abstract
The purpose of this paper is to present the results of an evaluation study on the implementation of one of the most ambitious educational computing programs in the world: Programa Conectar Igualdad (PCI, Connecting Equality Program), in the Province of Córdoba, Argentina, during the period 2012-2013. PCI is the result of a universal public policy whose purpose is to reduce the digital, social and educational gap by combining the provision of computers to schools with teacher training and the development of digital contents and didactic proposals. PCI is a one-to-one computing project that provides netbooks to students and teachers from public high schools, technical colleges and teacher training institutes. The central aim of this study was to analyze changes and/or continuities in schools, classrooms and actors arising from the program implementation. We have used a predominantly qualitative methodological approach as it was aimed at assessing and understanding PCI implementation from the perspectives and meanings constructed by actors themselves. It was carried out in a purposive sample of seven public high schools in the Province of Córdoba. The results obtained show great diversity in the implementation of this digital inclusion policy, allow the assessment of achievements and constraints, and help us make recommendations to program makers.
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