Development of learning strategies in the process of teacher education


  • María del Carmen Pegalajar Palomino Universidad Católica de Murcia, España



learning strategies | higher education | teaching | training.


This study focuses on the analysis of learning strategies in students in Grade Primary School for Hearing and Speech mention of the Catholic University of Murcia. In addition, it aims to determine whether there are differences in the use of such strategies among students that courses such as first degree training option versus doing it as a supplement to their career development process. To do this, we used a descriptive design (n = 80), carrying out data collection through the “Questionnaire for the Assessment of Learning Strategies of University Students”. Students have sufficient learning strategies to successfully overcome their studies. In addition, there are differences at a statistical level for the development of strategies and motivational processing and use of information, being more favorable for students currently enrolled as a first grade this training option. So, you must create learning environments that facilitate innovation and student participation, considering both the academic component of teaching as the human dimension.


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How to Cite

Pegalajar Palomino, M. del C. (2015). Development of learning strategies in the process of teacher education. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 68(2), 173–190.





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