Design and validation of an evaluation instrument of the organizational climate in higher level schools


  • Ciria Margarita Salazar Universidad de Colima. México
  • Carmen Silvia Peña Vargas Universidad de Colima. México
  • Alberto Paul Ceja Mendoza Universidad de Colima. México
  • E del Río Valdivia Universidad de Colima. México



organizational climate | higher level schools | design and validation of an instrument.


This article shows the process of design and validation of an evaluation tool of the organizational climate, created from the classical theory and the imprints of the higher level educational centers. The methodology used was structured in four phases: initially was made the design of the instrument; then it was validated by experts, using the statistical model V. Aiken (78 items); then a pilot program was applied to fifteen teachers from an academic unit to measure the internal consistency with Cronbach’s alpha (78 items), and finally a factorial analysis was made to check the homogeneity and commonality of the categories and subcategories of the instrument. As a product of this work was obtained a validated instrument (with 53 items) that allows to recover the vision of the faculty staff in the university centers.


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How to Cite

Salazar, C. M., Peña Vargas, C. S., Ceja Mendoza, A. P., & Río Valdivia, E. del. (2015). Design and validation of an evaluation instrument of the organizational climate in higher level schools. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 67, 181–196.

