The ontological critique in human training and knowledge processes: reflective approaches


  • Patrícia Laura Torriglia Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (EED-CED-UFSC). Brasil.
  • Margareth Feiten Cisne Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (NDI/CED/UFSC). Brasil



Human Training | Critical Ontology | Knowledge Process.


In recent decades the knowledge and its production became significant in the discourses of science and in particular in the educational field. It is in this context that emerges the meaning of “knowledge society”, whose main premise is the “centrality of knowledge.” Thus, it becomes instigating to ask what kind of knowledge is being prioritized ? whom this knowledge is thought to ?  This article is interested to deepen some relevant aspects   regarding the human training from the perspective of critical ontology - defended by Lukács - which seeks to understand  more closely the role of science in the production of knowledge. In this direction, we argue a human formation where the social being is an active, and not merely, a passive citizen towards social events with which the citizen articulates and is related to.


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How to Cite

Torriglia, P. L., & Feiten Cisne, M. (2015). The ontological critique in human training and knowledge processes: reflective approaches. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 67(2), 161–172.





- Filosofía de la educación