A proposal for two axes for self-management economic education for schooling fulltime
Schooling Fulltime | Economic Education | Curriculum Construction | Self-Managed Work.Abstract
This paper consists of a reflective exercise on education in basic education at schooling fulltime, to guide a research that may offer support to a curriculum proposition to be adopted alongside such schooling. This curriculum aims at offering a contribution for schooling fulltime, focused on a preparation for work that prioritizes solidarity and self-management skills, as well as working relations which promote creativity and innovation. This reflection is based on a bibliographic and documental research, as well as on the legal reference, which have brought out directions for schooling fulltime in Brazil and raised the debate around the meaning and objective of work as an educational asset for youth. It leads to the proposition of two innovative axes, which give a participative approach to one of the themes contemplated in the preliminary version of the document on Economic Education (MEC, w/d), to bring to effect national policies for fulltime education: one referring to the formulation a flexible syllabus, which may offer education for specific work, within the autonomy dispensed to the schooling fulltime frame. The other axis takes into consideration a democratic and communicative education through generated processes of self-managed learning, that is, with emancipating practices. This in itself refers to democratic participation, from the building of demands and proposals to the fulfilling of the economical practices themselves, which bear solidarity and cooperation traits. The proposal must generate reflection in many participatory levels and lead to the preparation of strategic social actors for their respective communities, in partnership with the educational processes offered. To that end, a relationship in good terms and the exercise of communication are crucial, with these as well as with the sectors, resources and public policies at hand
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