B-learning as a strategy for the development of competences. A private university case


  • César Sánchez Olavarría Docente-investigador, México




ICT | learning process | university students | university teachers.


This research report shows the results of a learning experience where the classroom workand virtual environment are combined. The use of the blended learning model comes out the classroom and moves to new technologies in order that the students elaborate, monitor and evaluate research projects to solve a local problem. At the beginning of the course, the university teacher set a problem to the class thatthe students had to solveduring the semester. The teacher monitored the activities they do in two ways: classroom work and virtual mode. The first mode involves face to face interaction in the classroom and the second mode involves a virtual interaction using digital tools provided by google. This combination is called blended learning. The results showed that the use of new technologies in the classroom is an important pedagogical resource because the students are motivated and engaged with their learning what is demonstrated by the clear progress they got at the end of the semester. The results also showed that the students gradually increased their competences doing their projects. The evaluation instruments (the checklist and the rubric) helped them to improve because they were presented at the beginning of the course, so they knew what the teacher would take into account to evaluate. Feedback was another factor that influenced this improvement. It was held in the classroom and in the virtual environment. They solve the problem set by the teacher creating a digital magazine and a digital newspaper. The use of new technologies with a pedagogical sense attracts students´ attention, so the teacher has to take advantage of this situation to improve students´learning.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Olavarría, C. (2015). B-learning as a strategy for the development of competences. A private university case. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 67(1), 85–100. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie671265





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