Advancement in Education for Sustainability. combining methodologies to work on critical and autonomous thinking, reflection and the capacity for transformation of the system


  • Leslie Mahe Collazo Expósito Universitat de Girona, España
  • Anna Maria Geli de Ciurana Universitat de Girona, España



Education for sustainability; active methodologies; innovation; didactics


Faced with the demand to promote more global changes in the conception of the educational process, we present a work based on the application of the principles of sustainability in the framework of the Master’s Training Secondary Teacher offered by the University of Girona. In this teaching innovation proposal, we show how students experience, from an active role, three different active methodologies: Problem Based Learning, Service Learning and reflective learning through the Teacher Portfolio. According to the results, the participants not only improve in their own critical thinking and systemic skills, self-regulation of learning, capacity for transformation and reflection, they also develop tools to be able to apply them throughout their future professional activity as secondary teachers Capable of innovating and transforming the system. We detail how this proposal is framed and justified and describe how it was put into practice without obviating the different forms of evaluation, and we expose some of the opinions of the students


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How to Cite

Collazo Expósito, L. M., & Geli de Ciurana, A. M. (2017). Advancement in Education for Sustainability. combining methodologies to work on critical and autonomous thinking, reflection and the capacity for transformation of the system. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 73, 131–154.

