Barriers to integral sustainability in university


  • Sílvia Albareda Tiana Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, España
  • Mónica Fernández Morilla Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, España
  • Josep Maria Mallarach Carrera Consultor ambiental. Silene, España.
  • Salvador Vidal Ramèntol Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, España



Promotion of Sustainable Development; Higher education; Barriers to integral sustainability; University.


During 2015, there have been significant developments in the promotion of Sustainable Development at international level, such as the statement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the United Nations Conference on Climate Change COP 21 and the publication of Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato si´, addressed to all people of good will, on integral ecology and urging an ecological conversation.
In the 25 years following the Talloires Declaration until now, changes have been made within many universities, including the implementation and promotion of sustainability, especially in economic and environmental dimension. However, the integration of these changes has made less progress in the social integration dimension. There are still many challenges within university curriculum and their members to make sustainable development a reality in higher education. Intends to introduce the necessary changes so that sustainability is implemented within all grade levels, and especially within the mission of the university as an example of environmental sustainability.
Based on interviews with members of the university community and with the participatory process of the strategic sustainability integral plan led in our University, possible barriers were analysed in higher education, that prevent the implementation of such change period, some proposals were suggested to overcome and enhance sustainability at the University.


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How to Cite

Albareda Tiana, S., Fernández Morilla, M., Mallarach Carrera, J. M., & Vidal Ramèntol, S. (2017). Barriers to integral sustainability in university. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 73, 253–272.

