First census and national diagnosis of Costa Rican scholastic libraries 2012: methodologic description and results


  • José Pablo Meza Pérez Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica (UNED). Costa Rica



scholastic libraries; Costa Rica; investigation; center of resources for the learning; statistics.


The 2012 Census and Diagnostic on Costa Rican School Libraries was a task proposed by the Ministry of Educaction's department of School Libraries and Learning Centers (known by the Spanish acronym BEYCRA) and fostered by the Organization of Ibero-American State (OEI). This endeavor was executed by the Librarian Program from the Costa Rican Distance Learning University (UNED) with the cooperation of the University's Foundation FUNDEPREDI and the financial aid from the SM Editorial Group.
The desing of the research corresponds to exploratory studies due to the lack of information available. A mixed research approach was employed; as well as, quantitative and qualitative research methods.
The gathering of data was carried out through several sources like surveymonkey software; intensive usage of information technologies, the support from the regional school librarians' networks; in addition to school librarians, students, teachers and princiales who were the main informers. And the data was processed via the spss statistical application.
Finally, the found information has become an important input to the authorities as a reliable source for research and reference.


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How to Cite

Meza Pérez, J. P. (2014). First census and national diagnosis of Costa Rican scholastic libraries 2012: methodologic description and results. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 66(1), 1–10.





- Investigación educativa